PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Bernd Kreikemeyer is the head of a research group at the Inst. of Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene focusing on the pathogenesis of the human LAB Streptococcus pyogenes, microbial biofilm biology, and oral microbiology. Streptococcus pyogenes research, which is the relevant part for this BMBF proposal, is focused on 1. Identification of GAS virulence factors, 2. Mechanisms of GAS host cell adherence, host cell internalization, cytotoxicity of GAS towards host cells (apoptosis, necrosis), and host cell persistence, 3. Genetic control of virulence factor expression, 4. Characterization of stand alone transcriptional response regulators, quorum-sensing mechanisms, and two-component signal transduction systems, 5. Uncovering of GAS regulatory networks (input signals, output), and 6. Characterization of the central metabolism in relationship to virulence. Since 1999 Dr. Kreikemeyer has published a total number of 42 publications and under his leadership the group has made many important and internationally recognized contributions to the GAS pathogenesis field.
Curriculum Vitae PD Dr. rer. nat. habil. Bernd Kreikemeyer born 16th August 1966 in Braunschweig, Germany Education and Professional Development 1987-1993 Studies in biology at the echnical University Braunschweig 1992-1993 Diploma thesis: „Functional characterization of the IgA-binding ß-antigen from group B streptococci“ 1993-1996 PhD thesis: „Structural and functional characterization of the fibronectin-binding serum opacity factor from Streptococcus pyogenes (group A streptococci)“ 11/2004 Habilitation: “Importance of stand alone transcriptional regulators, two-component signal transduction systems and regulatory networks for the human pathogenic bacterium Streptococcus pyogenes” Venia Legendi: General and Molecular Microbiology Since 2001 Independent group leader of section “Molecular pathogenesis of Gram-positive pathogens” at the Institute of Medical Microbiology, University of Rostock August 2009 Offer to accept a W2-faculty position as Professor for Molecular Bacteriology at the University of Rostock. Negotiations currently under way
Recent publications
(37) M. Oey, M. Lohse, B. Kreikemeyer, R. Bock (2009) Exhaustion of the chloroplast protein synthesis capacity by massive expression of a highly stable protein antibiotic. Plant J 57(3):436-45 (38) M. Nakata, T. Köller, K. Moritz, D. Ribardo, L. Jonas, K. S. McIver, T. Sumitomo, Y. Terao, S. Kawabata, A. Podbielski and B. Kreikemeyer* (2009) Mode of expression and functional characterization of the FCT-3 pilus region encoded proteins in the Streptococcus pyogenes serotype M49. Infect Immun 77(1): 32-44 (39) H. Courtney, I. Ofek, T. Penfound, V. Nizet, M.A. Pence, B. Kreikemeyer, A. Podbielski, D. L Hasty, J. B Dale (2009) Relationship Between Expression of the Family of M proteins and Lipoteichoic Acid to Hydrophobicity and Biofilm Formation in Streptococcus pyogenes. PLoS One. 4(1):e4166 (40) M. Oey, M. Lohse, L.B. Scharff, B. Kreikemeyer, R. Bock (2009) Plastid production of protein antibiotics against pneumonia via a new strategy for high-level expression of antimicrobial proteins. Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. 106(16):6579-84 (41) T. Fiedler, B. Kreikemeyer*, V. Sugareva, S. Redanz, R. Arlt, K. Standar, A. Podbielski (2009) Impact of the Streptococcus pyogenes Mga regulator on human matrix protein binding and interaction with eukaryotic cells. Int J Med Microbiol (in press). (42) D.N. Wood , K.E. Weinstein, A. Podbielski , B. Kreikemeyer, J. P. Gaughan, S. Valentine, B. A. Buttaro. (2009) Generation of Metabolically Diverse Strains of Streptococcus pyogenes during Survival in Stationary Phase. J Bacteriol. 2009 Aug 7. [Epub ahead of print] PMID: 19666718
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