Growth of B.subtilis in shakeflask at 57°C; 16°C, 37°C(Control) and 1,2M NaCl in SMM.
Redefining the Complete Transcriptome of Bacillus subtilis using Tiling Array Technology.
Projects: BaCell-SysMO
Study position:
Experimentalists: Praveen Kumar Sappa
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Created: 18th May 2010 at 12:16
Last updated: 22nd Nov 2011 at 19:12

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Projects: BaCell-SysMO
Institutions: University of Greifswald
I am PhD student at Prof.Uwe Voelker lab in Department of Functional Genomics. My area of research is microbial functional genomics in particular analysing the whole transcriptome(by microarray and other molecular biolology methods) of B.subtilis under various stress conditions. I use QconCAT strategy for absolute quantification of carbon metabolic enzymes via MRM(multiple reaction monitoring) by LC-MS/MS. I also perofrm experiments for understanding of dynamics of SigmaB network for modelling.
SysMO is a European transnational funding and research initiative on "Systems Biology of Microorganisms".
The goal pursued by SysMO was to record and describe the dynamic molecular processes going on in unicellular microorganisms in a comprehensive way and to present these processes in the form of computerized mathematical models.
Systems biology will raise biomedical and biotechnological research to a new quality level and contribute markedly to progress in understanding. Pooling European research ...
Projects: BaCell-SysMO, COSMIC, SUMO, KOSMOBAC, SysMO-LAB, PSYSMO, SCaRAB, MOSES, TRANSLUCENT, STREAM, SulfoSys, SysMO DB, SysMO Funders, SilicoTryp, Noisy-Strep
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BaCell-SysMO 2 Modelling carbon core metabolism in Bacillus subtilis – Exploring the contribution of protein complexes in core carbon and nitrogen metabolism.
Bacillus subtilis is a prime model organism for systems biology approaches because it is one of the most advanced models for functional genomics. Furthermore, comprehensive information on cell and molecular biology, physiology and genetics is available and the European Bacillus community (BACELL) has a well-established reputation for applying ...
Programme: SysMO
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Organisms: Bacillus subtilis
Bacillus subtilis was subjected to various stress conditions like high temperature(57°C), low temperature(16°C), high osmalarity(1.2M NaCl). The above mentioned stress conditions are again split into two different types as 'continuous stress condition' and 'sudden shock'. All the conditions were then done in biological triplicates. Transcriptome for these samples was then analysed with Nimblegen Tiling array.
Submitter: Praveen kumar Sappa
Studies: Transcriptome analysis of glucose starvation in B. subtilis, Transcriptome of continuously stressed B. subtilis, Transcriptome of shocked B. subtilis cells
Assays: Tiling Array analysis of glucose strarved B. subtilis cells, Tiling Array analysis of shocked B. subtilis cells, Tiling array analysis of continuous growth stress conditions in SMM
Snapshots: No snapshots
B. subtilis was grown in SMM media with glucose as carbon source and the samples for RNA were harvested OD578nm- 1.0). The stress conditions that were applied over here are growthat 57°C, 16°C, 1.2M Nacl and 37°C(control). All the samples were analysed for transcriptome as biological triplicates.
Submitter: Praveen kumar Sappa
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Redefining the Complete Transcriptome of Bacill...
Organisms: Bacillus subtilis : 168 Trp+ (wild-type / tryptophan prototroph)
Data files: Continuous growth_16°C_SMM_Growth curve, Continuous growth_57°C_SMM_Growth curve, Contious growth_1.2M NaCl_SMM_Transcritome_Nimb..., Contious growth_16°C_SMM_Transcritome_Nimblegen, Contious growth_57°C_SMM_Transcritome_Nimblegen, Contiuous growth_37°C_SMM(control)_Growth curve., The condition-dependent transcriptome of Bacill...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Recent studies revealed the unsuspected complexity of the bacterial transcriptome but its systematic analysis across many diverse conditions remains a challenge. Here we report the condition-dependent transcriptome of the prototype strain B. subtilis 168 across 104 conditions reflecting the bacterium's life-styles. This data set composed of 269 tiling array hybridizations allowed to observe ~85% of the annotated CDSs expressed in the higher 30% in at least one hybridization and thus provide an ...
Creators: Leif Steil, Ulrike Mäder, Colin Harwood, Rick Lewis, Ruben Mars, Priyanka Nannapaneni, Praveen kumar Sappa, Joerg Stuelke, Jan Maarten van Dijl, Michael Hecker, Uwe Voelker
Submitter: Leif Steil
Investigations: Redefining the Complete Transcriptome of Bacill...
Studies: Transcriptome analysis of glucose starvation in..., Transcriptome of continuously stressed B. subtilis, Transcriptome of shocked B. subtilis cells
Assays: Tiling Array analysis of glucose strarved B. su..., Tiling Array analysis of shocked B. subtilis cells, Tiling array analysis of continuous growth stre...
Creator: Praveen kumar Sappa
Submitter: Praveen kumar Sappa
B. subtilis was grown in M9 media with glucose as carbon source and the samples for RNA were harvested at OD600nm- 0.4 , 1.3 and 1.0 ). Culture was done at 37°C and samples at OD600nm- 0.4(Exponential), OD600nm- 1.3 (Early stationary), OD600nm-1.0(Late Stationary). All the samples were analysed for transcriptome as biological triplicates.
Creator: Praveen kumar Sappa
Submitter: Praveen kumar Sappa
Creator: Praveen kumar Sappa
Submitter: Praveen kumar Sappa
Creator: Praveen kumar Sappa
Submitter: Praveen kumar Sappa
Data for three biological replicates of control culture and 37°C and 57°C in the file.
Creator: Praveen kumar Sappa
Submitter: Praveen kumar Sappa
Creator: Praveen kumar Sappa
Submitter: Praveen kumar Sappa
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Pierre Nicolas, , Etienne Dervyn, Tatiana Rochat, Aurélie Leduc, Nathalie Pigeonneau, Elena Bidnenko, Elodie Marchadier, Mark Hoebeke, Stéphane Aymerich, Dörte Becher, Paola Bisicchia, Eric Botella, Olivier Delumeau, Geoff Doherty, Emma L Denham, Mark J Fogg, Vincent Fromion, Anne Goelzer, Annette Hansen, Elisabeth Härtig, , Georg Homuth, Hanne Jarmer, Matthieu Jules, Edda Klipp, Ludovic Le Chat, François Lecointe, , Wolfram Liebermeister, Anika March, , , David Noone, Susanne Pohl, Bernd Rinn, Frank Rügheimer, , Franck Samson, Marc Schaffer, Benno Schwikowski, , , Thomas Wiegert, Kevin M Devine, Anthony J Wilkinson, , , , Philippe Bessières, Philippe Noirot
Date Published: 3rd Mar 2012
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 22383849