Bacillus subtilis

Details about this organism

Synonyms (0)

None defined

Definitions (0)

None defined

NCBI taxonomy browser

Strain details

Name Provider name Provider's strain ID Genotypes Phenotypes Synonym Comments Based on
168 Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
NCIB3610 Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
JW49 Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
ATCC6633 Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
168 Trp+ Not specified 168 Trp+ wild-type tryptophan prototroph Not specified Trp+ derivative of B. subtilis 168 wild type. 168
BSG112 Not specified Not specified + trp;mutation by insertion spoIVCB (sigK) tryptophan autotroph; non-sporulating Not specified None Not specified
BSA115 Not specified Not specified + trpC;rsbU19aa rsbU; PB 28::PSPAC SigB promoter;rsbX::spc rsbX;ctc::lacZ ctc wild-type Not specified None Not specified
GP205 Not specified GP205 point mutation trpC2;fusion gltA-lacZ tryptohan auxotroph Not specified None Not specified
GP270 Not specified GP270 mutation by insertion xylR wild-type Not specified mutation by insertion xylR:: EmR Not specified
GP198 Jörg Stülke's lab GP198 del trp wild-type BGS1 None Not specified
GP853 Jörg Stülke's lab GP853 delition xylR ;delition ccpA wild-type Not specified None Not specified
GP297 Not specified GP297 deletion xylR;deletion crh wild-type Not specified None Not specified
test again Not specified Not specified wild-type wild-type Not specified None Not specified
GP284 Jörg Stülke's lab GP284 deletion xylR;point mutation ptsH1 wild-type Not specified None Not specified
GP289 Jörg Stülke's lab GP289 deletion xylR;deletion hprK wild-type Not specified None Not specified
GP287 Jörg Stülke's lab GP287 deletion xylR;deletion crh;point mutation ptsH1 wild-type Not specified None 168 trpC2
168 trpC2 Jörg Stülke's lab 168 trpC2 wild-type wild-type Not specified laboratory wild type strain Not specified
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