The condition-dependent transcriptome of Bacillus subtilis 168
Version 1

Recent studies revealed the unsuspected complexity of the bacterial transcriptome but its systematic analysis across many diverse conditions remains a challenge. Here we report the condition-dependent transcriptome of the prototype strain B. subtilis 168 across 104 conditions reflecting the bacterium's life-styles. This data set composed of 269 tiling array hybridizations allowed to observe ~85% of the annotated CDSs expressed in the higher 30% in at least one hybridization and thus provide an excellent coverage of the transcriptome of this bacterium. In addition to the Genbank annotation 1583 new segments of the chromosome were identified as transcribed and have transcription levels reported in the data matrix.



Views: 6751

Created: 19th Dec 2012 at 12:09

Last updated: 19th Dec 2012 at 12:10

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Version History

Version 1 (earliest) Created 19th Dec 2012 at 12:09 by Leif Steil

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