Projects: pISA-tree, HYp - Spatiotemporal analysis of hypersensitive response to Potato virus Y in potato, INDIE - Biotechnological production of sustainable indole, _p_stRT, ADAPT - Accelerated Development of multiple-stress tolerAnt PoTato, tst, tst2
Institutions: National Institute of Biology, tst

Computational Biologist and Biostatistician at Department of Biotechnology and Systems Biology, National Institute of Biology (NIB)
Institutions: Institute of Physiology Academy of Sciences
Projects: MOSES, ExtremoPharm, ZucAt, GenoSysFat, DigiSal, EraCoBiotech 2 nd call proposal preparation, FAIRDOM & LiSyM & de.NBI Data Structuring Training
Institutions: University of Stuttgart, University of Hohenheim, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

I've become a SysMO DB PAL for MOSES project in 2007 being a post-doc in lab of Prof. Matthias Reuss at University of Stuttgart. In the MOSES project, our major efforts were in the experimental data acquisition for dynamic model of primary carbon and anaerobic energy metabolism in yeast. The model implements prediction of perturbations of two types: glucose pulse and temperature jump. We implement “stimulus-response” methodology for the unraveling the dynamic structure of the network and to ...
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting, Systems toxicology of Atlantic cod, DigiSal, GenoSysFat, FAIRDOM Community Workers
Institutions: University of Bergen
Projects: SulfoSys
Institutions: University Duisburg-Essen
Projects: BaCell-SysMO
Institutions: University of Marburg
Projects: Millar group
Institutions: University of Edinburgh
Projects: BioZEment 2.0
Institutions: Norwegian University of Science and Technology
Projects: Noisy-Strep
Institutions: University of Newcastle
Projects: SysMO-LAB
Institutions: University of Rostock
Projects: XyloCut
Institutions: Delft University of Technology (DUT)
Projects: Systems toxicology of Atlantic cod
Institutions: University of Bergen

Projects: COSMIC
Institutions: University of Nottingham
Institutions: MIT
Projects: FAIRDOM user meeting, PlaSMo model repository
Institutions: University of Edinburgh
Projects: KOSMOBAC
Institutions: Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
Projects: Lipofungi, Bio4Fuels
Institutions: Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Projects: SysVirDrug
Institutions: University of Greifswald
Projects: NTNU Health Druglogics, Colosys
Institutions: Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Projects: HUMET Startup
Institutions: Wageningen University & Research
I am a researcher (PhD student) working at Wageningen University & Research as bioinformatician and modeller. I am working as part of the MycoSynVac ( project on dynamic modelling of central carbon metabolism in M. pneumoniae, to be extended to full dynamic modelling of metabolism to be implemented in a whole cell model. I am also looking into possibilities to improve standards in model generation using semantic technologies, improving automatic generation, annotation ...
Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Pacific Northwest National Laboratory