Web page: https://www.uni-hohenheim.de/
Country: Germany
City: Stuttgart
Schloss Hohenheim 1, 70599 Stuttgart
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Projects: ZucAt
Institutions: University of Hohenheim
Projects: MOSES, ExtremoPharm, ZucAt, GenoSysFat, DigiSal, EraCoBiotech 2 nd call proposal preparation, FAIRDOM & LiSyM & de.NBI Data Structuring Training
Institutions: University of Stuttgart, University of Hohenheim, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Expertise: Biochemistry, coupling metabolome and environome, rapid sampling experiments, Systems Biology, carbon metabolism, Stoichiometric modelling, Proteomics, Metabolomics, yeast, fungi, Dynamics and Control of Biological Networks
Tools: Biochemistry and protein analysis, Metabolomics, Matlab, Fermentation, Chromatography, Material balance based modeling, stimulus response experiments, continuous cultivation, Enzyme assay, Mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), HPLC, GC and LC/MS analysis of metabolites, ODE, Parameter estimation
I've become a SysMO DB PAL for MOSES project in 2007 being a post-doc in lab of Prof. Matthias Reuss at University of Stuttgart. In the MOSES project, our major efforts were in the experimental data acquisition for dynamic model of primary carbon and anaerobic energy metabolism in yeast. The model implements prediction of perturbations of two types: glucose pulse and temperature jump. We implement “stimulus-response” methodology for the unraveling the dynamic structure of the network and to ...
The German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure - de.NBI offers first class bioinformatics services including training and education to users in basic and applied life sciences research. In this network 40 projects belonging to eight service centers provide services that cover a wide variety of methods (genomics, proteomics, ...) and applications (from plants to humans). de.NBI-SysBio is the Systems Biology Service Center of de.NBI. In collaboration with FAIRDOM, de.NBI-SysBio serves the ...
Projects: de.NBI-SysBio, ExtremoPharm, ZucAt, Kinetics on the move - Workshop 2016, Example use cases, MIX-UP, Working Group Nicole Radde, MPIEvolBio-SciComp, SABIO-VIS
Web page: http://www.denbi.de
ZucAt - Sucrose (from german Zucker) translocation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Sucrose translocation between plant tissues is crucial for growth, development and reproduction of plants. Systemic analysis of this metabolic process and underlying regulatory processes can help to achieve better understanding of carbon distribution within the plant and the formation of phenotypic traits. Sucrose translocation from ‘source’ tissues (e.g. mesophyll) to ‘sink’ tissues (e.g. root) is tightly bound to the ...
Programme: de.NBI Systems Biology Service Center (de.NBI-SysBio)
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Arabidopsis thaliana
The aim of the project is bioprospecting, isolation and characterization of novel secondary metabolites, produced by extremophilic microorganisms. The project is dedicated to a poorly investigated problem of antagonistic interactions between extremophilic microorganisms in their communities, namely, to the investigation of the ability of extremophiles to produce secondary metabolites with biocidic, cytotoxic and cytostatic activities. Working out this problem will fulfill an important applied ...
Programme: de.NBI Systems Biology Service Center (de.NBI-SysBio)
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Not specified