Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map
Institutions: Monash University

Expertise: Bioinformatics, Machine Learning, Data analysis, Deep Learning, Molecular Biology, Plant biology
Tools: Python, R, SQL, High Performance Computing
Projects: Not specified
Institutions: Not specified
Expertise: ETL, DataScience, Clinical Information System
Projects: FAIRDOM
Institutions: ETH Zurich & Basel / The Scientific IT Services (SIS) division
Expertise: Software Engineering, Scientific Computing, Databases, Distributed Systems
Tools: High Performance Computing, Statistics, SQL, Java, Python
Head of Scientific IT Services and member of the ITS executive board at ETH Zurich. Project manager of SyBIT. Project partner of the FAIRDOM Initiative.
Institutions: Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Data Management
I created this for all SysMo Modellers Annotate Your Model
There you can annotate your non SBML models with biological terms (MIRIAM annotations). As a cool extra you can view you model source code with inserted biological infomation.
Together with this you can serach for similar BioModels. The similarity search is based on MIRIAM annotations that are attached to you model. AYM also allows you to create annotations without ...
Projects: SysMO-LAB
Institutions: Wageningen University & Research
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Mathematical modelling, Reactor models, dynamics of biological networks.
Tools: Molecular Biology, Cell biology, Computational and theoretical biology, Metabolomics, Model organisms, SBML, ODE, Partial differential equations, Algebraic equations, Linear equations, Copasi, JWS Online, Matlab, Mathematica, SQL, Material balance based modeling
I'm a modeller, specialized in kinetic modeling of biochemical networks. My focus in the SysMO-LAB consortium is on creating models of Lactococcus lactis glycolysis and couple this to other related lactic acid bacteria like Streptococcus pyogenes and Enterococcus faecalis. Besides kinetic modeling, I'm also interested in combining various modeling techniques (genome-scale modeling, qualitative modeling).
Projects: MOSES
Institutions: Medical University Vienna
Expertise: Bioinformatics
Tools: Data Management, Computational and theoretical biology, Transcriptomics, Perl, Microarray analysis, R, PHP, SQL
General Bioinformatics