Assay type 'Metabolite Profiling'

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Dear SEEK users, this Assay is just an example Excel sheet for intracellular metabolites concentration measurements performed using cell culture growing in chemostat

Measurement of intra- and extra-cellular metabolome.

experimentally measured extracellular fluxes in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in anaerobic glucose limited chemostat (D=0.1 h-1) on minimal medium

Steady state concentrations of extracellular metabolites in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in anaerobic chemostat at D = 0.1 h-1 on minimal medium

Dynamics of extracellular metabolites (glc, pyr, suc, lac, gly, ac, etoh, fum, mal, cit, including loss of akg, g3p, 2pg, 3pg, r5p, f6p, g6p, 6pg) during glucose pulse. Glucose pulse was performed in anaerobically growing yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in steady state chemostat (D = 0.1 h-1) and transent concentrations of the extra- and intracellular metabolites from central carbon metabolism (e.g. glycolysis, PPP, glycerol, purines, etc) were measured.

Dynamics of intracellular metabolites (pyr, suc, fum, mal, akg, pep, g3p, 2pg, 3pg, cit, r5p, f6p, g6p, 6pg, ATP, ADP, AMP, UTP, GTP, inosine, NAD+, IMP, UDP, NADP+, CTP, AdenyloSuccinate, NADPH, trehalose) during glucose pulse. Glucose pulse was performed in anaerobically growing yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in steady state chemostat (D = 0.1 h-1) and transent concentrations of the extra- and intracellular metabolites from central carbon metabolism (e.g. glycolysis, PPP, glycerol, purines, ...

No description specified

In order to construct an in vivo-like buffer for S. pyogenes, the intracellular concentrations of Fe, K, Mg, Mn Na, P and S elements were determined via ICP-AES (inductively coupled plasma atomic emissionspectroscopy) method at the Institute of Land Use, University of Rostock. The samples for the analysis were obtained from a steady state culture grown on CDM-LAB with glucose.

This assay is for method development to quantify intra- and extra-cellular metabolites on T. brucei 427 bloodstream form using isotope ratio based MS technique with 13C-labelled E. coli extract

Metabolite profiling on T. brucei exposed to methylene blue has been carried out using LC-MS to investigate metabolic changes caused by oxidative stress

26 intracellular metabolites (amino acids, polyamines, TCA intermediates) in T. brucei exposed to methylene blue have been absolutely quantified using isotope ratio based MS technique.

26 intracellular metabolites (amino acids, polyamines, TCA intermediates) in T. brucei under pH stress (pH8.7) have been absolutely quantified using isotope ratio based MS technique.

Extracellular metabolites in T. brucei at different stage of cell growth have been quantified absolutely by isotope ratio based MS technique using uniformly 13C-labelled E. coli extract. This is the case study for method development of absolute quantification for metabolic flux analysis.

Glucose transporter mutants were analyzed under aerobic and aerobic conditions in batch cultures with glucose as substrate. Acetate formation rates and glucose consumption rates were measured, as well as extracellular cAMP concentrations.

Temperature degradation of BPG, GAP and DHAP

Experimental data for the conversion of 3PG to F6P and the gluconeogenic pathway intermediates

No description specified

Metabolite analysis in clock mutants: Col-0 parent and mutants gi-201, toc1-101 and prr7prr9; WS parent and lhy/cca1 double mutant. Plants grown in Golm and harvested at End of Day and End of Night, , assays 22 major metabolites. More detail on TiMet wiki if required. Heteroscedastic t-tests to highlight most significant changes, without multiple-testing correction.

Experimental data for the yeast PGK incubations at 30C, with and without recycling of ATP.

BPG degradation at 70C

Follow-up to the validation experiments on FMv2, testing candidate mechanisms for high malate and fumarate accumulation in the Arabidopsis double mutant prr7prr9 and its parent accession Col.

In this study, 14CO2 labelling was used to test the rate of carbon assimilation in the dark at the end of the subjective night (starting about ZT21), which is indicative of PEPC activity in forming malate, and the subsequent partitioning of this labelled C into various cellular fractions. The short-period ...

Follow-up to the validation experiments on FMv2, testing candidate mechanisms for high malate and fumarate accumulation in the Arabidopsis double mutant prr7prr9 and its parent accession Col.

In this study, thiamine vitamers were quantified to test whether the essential cofactor TDP had altered enzyme activities to affect the malate and fumarate levels, using existing plant samples harvested from am earlier L&H study.

Batch cultures of designed media inocculated with biomass from WWTP anaerobious fermentation steps. The media consisted of a series of macro- and micro-nutrients to avoid limitations on proliferation, and a fermentative substrate of glucose and aminoacids. The glucose proportion and aminoacid composition varied culture to culture according to previous work using a mathematical model of a mixed culture fermentation in similar conditions. Acetoclastic methanogenesis was avoided with BES at 1 ...

Submitter: Alejandro Martínez Rey

Assay type: Metabolite Concentration

Technology type: Chromatography

Investigation: 1 hidden item

Study: 1 hidden item

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