What is a SOP?Filters
SOP describing the steps for use of the ITC device (MicroCal PEAQ ITC by Malvern).
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
SOP describing how to perform specific activity measurements with Gre2p in multiwell plates (96w) using an UV-Vis Plate reader (Synergy H1).
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
SOP describing how to perform activity measurements (inital rates) with Gre2p in multiwell plates (96w) using an UV-Vis Plate reader (Synergy H1).
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Felix Ott
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
This file contains the detailed experimental protocol for the cultivation of "induced sinoatrial bodies (iSABs), the scRNA-Seq procedure as well as the general computational workflow for data processing. The R-script is provided separately.
Creators: Anne-Marie Galow, Sophie Kussauer, Markus Wolfien
Submitter: Anne-Marie Galow
This SOP describes the preparation of pteridine ligand 3D structures from SMILES or other input formats with the LigPrep routine as embedded in Schrödinger Maestro for usage in docking runs and in silico ADME-Tox property prediction.
Creators: Ina Poehner, Rebecca Wade, Joanna Panecka-Hofman
Submitter: Ina Poehner
This SOP describes the docking receptor preparation of PTR1 and DHFR receptor PDB files, performed with the Maestro Protein PrepWizard and the Glide grid generation routine. The optional identification and integration of conserved structural water molecules with the WatCH tool is also covered.
Creators: Ina Poehner, Joanna Panecka-Hofman, Rebecca Wade
Submitter: Ina Poehner
This SOP describes the in silico ADME-Tox property prediction with QikProp for prepared pteridine ligands.
Creators: Ina Poehner, Rebecca Wade
Submitter: Ina Poehner
This SOP describes the docking of pteridine libraries into PTR1 or DHFR target receptors, using Glide in Schrödinger Maestro with the XP (eXtra Precision) protocol.
Creators: Ina Poehner, Joanna Panecka-Hofman, Rebecca Wade
Submitter: Ina Poehner
This SOP describes the docking of pteridine libraries into PTR1 or DHFR target receptors, using Glide and Prime in Schrödinger Maestro as part of the Induced Fit workflow to allow for receptor side chain reorganization upon ligand binding.
Creators: Ina Poehner, Joanna Panecka-Hofman, Rebecca Wade
Submitter: Ina Poehner
Instructions and details on the data analysis workflow.
Creators: Gudrun Gygli, Juergen Pleiss, Xinmeng Xu
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
This file contains the R-script to analyse single nuclei and single cell data of Bl6 and Fzt:DU mice previously processed with cellranger. The analyses utilizes the Seurat and harmony package to integrate three datasets before subsequent downstream analysis characterizing proliferative cardiomyocytes.
Creator: Anne-Marie Galow
Submitter: Anne-Marie Galow
Creator: Markus Wolfien
Submitter: Markus Wolfien
This guidlines has been developed by Rita Volkers from Wageningen University for IBISBA project, as example to use
Creators: Olga Krebs, Rita Volkers
Submitter: Olga Krebs
Aceton precipitation and protein digestion for proteomic workflow
Creators: Malte Herold, Mohamed El Hajjami
Submitter: Malte Herold
SOP for bioleaching experiments carried out for microscopy analysis at UDE
Creators: Malte Herold, Soeren Bellenberg
Submitter: Malte Herold
steps conducted to pellet cells for RNA and protein extraction
Creator: Stephan Christel
Submitter: Stephan Christel
This file describes the naming system used to uniquely identify samples
Creator: Stephan Christel
Submitter: Stephan Christel
SOP for extracting DNA, RNA and Proteins from the mineral pellet of a bioleaching culture using hot acidic phenol. Current draft.
Creators: Malte Herold, Mario Vera, Soeren Bellenberg
Submitter: Malte Herold
Protocol for the extraction of biomolecules (DNA,RNA,protein,metabolties) from the same sample. Originally intended for lipid accumulating organisms (LAO) from wastewater treatment plant samples. So far succesfully used for pelleted cells from planktonic cultures.
Creator: Malte Herold
Submitter: Malte Herold
sampling procedure for mineral containing leaching experiments
Creator: Stephan Christel
Submitter: Stephan Christel
This file contains the detailed experimental protocol to isolate nuclei from murine hearts.
Creators: Markus Wolfien, Anne-Marie Galow
Submitter: Markus Wolfien
This R-script contains the single nuclei analysis for our Fzt:DU and BL6 data, namely bustools file integration, preprocessing, scaling, clustering, marker indentification and annotation of markers and RNAvelocity computation.
Creator: Markus Wolfien
Submitter: Markus Wolfien
Creator: Lisbeth Lyngberg
Submitter: Lisbeth Lyngberg
Master Bash script to launch Molecular Dynamics when running the Simulation part of Simulation Foundry. Make sure you followed "Preparations" instructions! Read the Manual!
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Master Bash script to launch Molecular Dynamics when running the Analysis part of Simulation Foundry. Make sure you followed "Preparations" instructions! Read the Manual!
Creator: Gudrun Gygli
Submitter: Gudrun Gygli
Detection of small RNAs by blot hybridization.
Creator: Vânia Pobre
Submitter: Vânia Pobre
Describes the steps required in order to detect and quantify alcohols and other volatile compounds in microbial culture supernatants by gas chromatography with a flame-ionization detector (GC-FID).
Creator: Maximilian Bahls
Submitter: Maximilian Bahls
Creator: Susana Domingues
Submitter: Susana Domingues
This protocol describes the analysis of RNA-Seq data to identify differential expressed genes between two samples. The protocol is simply the analysis of the data and do not include the sequencing protocol.
Creator: Vânia Pobre
Submitter: Vânia Pobre
Metabolomics perturbation sample preparation and description of how the exact details of the perturbations. Perturbations: -Glucose starvation -Amino acid starvation -Fe2+ depletion -Oxidative stress via H2O2 -Glycerol addition to the medium
Creators: Niels Zondervan, Luis Serrano, Maria Lluch, Eva Yus
Submitter: Niels Zondervan