
What is an Assay?
1048 Assays visible to you, out of a total of 2117

Steady state study of the effect of altering gene regulation on yields of end-products, focusing on butanol.

Theoretical analysis of hypothetical sigma factor competition. Based on the model 'transcription factor competition' possible dynamics of sigma factor competition are simulated and analysed using Lineweaver-Burk representations.

We use BSA115 strain which lacks RsbU and RsbW proteins. Therefore, there is limited post-transcriptional regulation of sigmaB activity.

There occurs an unexpected drop in the beta-Gal activity after sigB induction. This modelling effort aims to clarify the reasons.

The dynamic model describes response of yeast metabolic network on metabolic perturbation (i.e. glucose-pulse). One compartmental ODE-based model of yeast anaerobic metabolism includes: glycolysis, pentose phosphate reactions, purine de novo synthesis pathway, purine salvage reactions, redox reactions and biomass growth. The model describes metabolic perturbation of steady state growing cells in chemostat.

No description specified
No description specified
  • Comparison of metabolic flux distribution in carbon core metabolism (EMP, PPP, TCA) of Bacillus subtilis under 3 different conditions: "salt-free" reference, "stress" chemostat, "osmoprotected" chemostat.
  • Model created using OpenFLUX and Microsoft Excel
  • Model computed using MatLAB

Using PCA, three components, beam size 8. Clustering via MCL from Biolayout Express 3D

Data is taken from "Genome-Wide Gene Expression Analysis of the Switch between Acidogenesis and Solventogenesis in Continuous Cultures of Clostridium acetobutylicum." Grimmler et al. 2011 DOI: 10.1159/000320973

Pyruvate formate-lyase (PFL) is an important enzyme in the metabolic pathway of lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and is held responsible for the regulation of the shift between homolactic acid to mixed acid fermentation. PFL catalysis the reversible reaction of acetyl-CoA and formate into pyruvate and CoA. A glycyl radical, who is regenerated within the reaction, is involved; therefore, PFL works only under strictly anaerobic conditions. For its activation, the C-terminal domain has to bind to the ...

Submitter: Stefan Henrich

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: The Attic

Study: Pyruvate formate-lyase (PFL)

Metabolic network of S. pyogenes including primary metabolism, polysaccharide metabolism, purine and pyrimidine biosoynthesis, teichoic acid biosynthesis, fatty acid and phospholipid bioynthesis, amino acid metabolism, vitamins and cofactors

Metabolic network of Enterococcus faecalis including primary metabolism, polysaccharide metabolism, purine and pyrimidine biosoynthesis, teichoic acid biosynthesis, fatty acid and phospholipid bioynthesis, amino acid metabolism, vitamins and cofactors

No description specified

Using Taverna for mining and MATLAB for conversion into specific formats (cytoscape, SBTOOLBOX2)

Cytoscape based analysis and yED based representation of clostridial Reactomes

Submitter: Sebastian Curth

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Modular Model Building

Study: Reactome Analysis

No description specified

Submitter: Sebastian Curth

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Modular Model Building

Study: Automated Model Building

The model describes the behaviour of E. coli in a stationary chemostat with different oxygen availability.

Using TFinfer2 to analyse data from "Characterization of MG1655 and mutant strains under conditions of glucose excess and limitation"

The main input is the ENA review paper (Function and Regulation of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae ENA Sodium ATPase System, Ruiz&Ariño 2007) and the papers referenced. Another source are the papers linked from the ENA page of SGD

A boolean network was created using booleannet (after experimenting with Squad and CellNetAnalyzer). This network can be simulated and visualized using additional software components that will be part of the pyMantis CMS that is developed by the Translucent project.

A interaction network analysis tool (currently based on the BioGrid - PSICQUIC web services) was created that helps to discover interactions of Yeast proteins. The tool will at some point be freely available on the www as part of the pyMantis CMS created within the Translucent project.

No description specified

Submitter: Falko Krause

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: TRK1,2 Transport Systems of Saccharomyces cerev...

Study: Promotor Anaysis

Elucidation of protein networks involved in the regulation of cation homeostasis using protein interaction datasets.

Submitter: Falko Krause

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: TRK1,2 Transport Systems of Saccharomyces cerev...

Study: Bioinformatic studies

Development of bioinformatic tools to investigate the role of transcription factors and 14-3-3 proteins in the regulation of genes involved in cation homeostasis.

Submitter: Falko Krause

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: TRK1,2 Transport Systems of Saccharomyces cerev...

Study: Bioinformatic studies

Based on a kinetic model a description of the potassium current is achieved. Its properties with respect to changes in membrane potential and potassium concentrations are derived.

Proton fluxes ensue a change in the membrane potential to which the potassium uptake responds. The membrane potential changes depend on the extrusion of protons, buffering capacities of the media and experimental parametes.

Analytical methods and computational analyses (regression, fitting) will be employed to find properties of the Trk system under different external conditions.

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