This experiment is designed to pinpoint where in the metabolic network there are differences between salmon of different genetic families and on different diets. Analyses of this material will help inform feeding and breeding strategies.
Salmon will be reared on feeds with contrasting levels of very-long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Then some fish will be crossed over to the other diet while others remain as controls. This perturbation of diet should provoke changes in omega-3 metabolism that are evident in RNA expression, protein expression and eventually in the fatty acid composition of tissues. We also hypothesize that gut microbiota may be affected and/or modulate the effect of the feed switch.
Activities: ● Generate two fish groups that differ genetically and in EPA/DHA filet content for feeding trial ● Carry out feeding trial to promote differences in FA metabolism and EPA/DHA phenotype ● Supply downstream WPs with tissue samples for RNA sequencing and proteomics with known FA phenotype. Rationale: A dietary switch experiment in fresh- and seawater will provide data for a rich phenotypic characterization of the metabolic steady states under different diets. Although not directly relevant for aquaculture, we have chosen to include a diet switch at the parr stage (in fresh water) for two reasons: Firstly, to test whether restriction in feed fish oil content early in life affects FA metabolism at later life stages, with implications for aquacultural feeding strategies. Secondly, EPA/DHA synthesis is more active in the freshwater phase, ensuring high contrast between the diet groups. The outcome of WP2 (the effects of diet, genetics, and gene-by-environment interactions) will form the fundamental basis for systems biology analyses in WP5 and represent a valuable metabolic reference database for future studies. Operationalization: To ensure informative contrasts in genetics and EPA/DHA-related metabolic patterns, we will rear two genetically distinct groups of fish on contrasting diets in a crossover study design. AquaGen will select parent groups with high vs low filet EPA/DHA from ongoing studies, creating two groups of approx. 500 offspring each. Half of each group will be reared together in one of two fish tanks, being fed on a low-fish-oil or a standard diet, respectively. When parr are large enough to visually tag, fish of each group will cross over (i.e. be moved) to the other tank and diet. This perturbation will bring into play regulatory mechanisms of metabolism, provoking the genetic variation into revealing itself through phenotypic variation in the synthesis, transport and EPA/DHA retention in muscle. After 2-3 weeks of metabolic acclimatization on the new feed, the transferred fish will be sacrificed, as will an identical number of fish that have not crossed over in diet. Liver and filet samples will be sampled for phenotyping by RNA sequencing and filet fatty acid profiling by gas chromatography (GC). The GC analyses will be performed with an added standard to be able to estimate absolute FA levels. A subset of samples with highly distinct FA metabolism inferred from gene expression and lipid measurements will be selected for proteomic analyses using a shotgun method at the proteomics core facility at NMBU ( The above described experiment will be repeated in seawater after smoltification, when the FA metabolism resembles that of slaughter sized fish which is of relevance to the industry and nutritional quality. The gut microbiota samples for both seawater and freshwater samples were mostly taken by Yang (except a few by Jacob and Tom). The sampling procedure involved squeezing out the gut content by using tweezers.
Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to diet and genetics
Projects: GenoSysFat
Study position:
Experimentalists: Simen Sandve, Jacob Torgersen, Yang Jin, Tom Harvey
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Created: 2nd Feb 2016 at 10:25
Last updated: 20th Aug 2021 at 09:02

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Projects: GenoSysFat, DigiSal
Institutions: Norwegian University of Life Sciences
Projects: GenoSysFat, DigiSal
Institutions: Norwegian University of Life Sciences

Systems biology for salmon farming is what I do. I lead the DigiSal project (, whose full title is "Towards the Digital Salmon: From a reactive to a pre-emptive research strategy in aquaculture". DigiSal is part of Digital Life, the first call dedicated to systems biology by the Research Council of Norway. I'm also one of the lead modellers in GenoSysFat (, working to improve the omega-3 content of salmon farmed on sustainable feeds by ...
Salmon farming in the future must navigate conflicting and shifting demands of sustainability, shifting feed prices, disease, and product quality. The industry needs to develop a flexible, integrated basis of knowledge for rapid response to new challenges. The Digital Salmon will be an ensemble of mathematical descriptions of salmon physiology, combining mathematics, high-dimensional data analysis, computer science and measurement technology with genomics and experimental biology into a concerted ...
Projects: GenoSysFat, DigiSal, SEEK tutorial for DigiSal, DigiSal-BT8121
Web page:
Salmon farmed on modern feeds contains less of the healthy, long-chain fatty acids (EPA and DHA) than before. Up until the turn of the millennium, farmed salmon were fed fish oil as a replacement for their omega-3 rich natural prey. However, fish oil is now a scarce resource, and more than half of the fat in modern feeds comes from plant oils that are inexpensive, but devoid of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. How can we increase the omega-3 content of salmon on sustainable feeds?
One option is ...
Programme: The Digital Salmon
Public web page:
Organisms: Danio rerio, Salmo salar, Oncorhynchus mykiss
Atlantic salmon is a main source of essential ω-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids (LC-PUFA) in many Western diets, especially eicosapentaenoic acid (20:5n-3, EPA) and docosahexaenoic acid (22:6n-3, DHA). However, farmed salmon meat now contains less healthy ω-3 fatty acids (FA) than before, due to the shift from marine to vegetable lipid feed sources. An important future aquaculture challenge is therefore to maintain a healthy and high EPA/DHA content when farmed salmon is fed a vegetable ...
Submitter: Jon Olav Vik
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable and fish oil 2015-2016
Assays: Fatty acid contents in feed using Gas chromatography/FAME analysis, Fatty acid contents in tissues using Gas chromatography/FAME analysis, Feed switch 2015-09 Solbergstranda, pilot proteomics, Feed switch 2015-09, 2016-01 Solbergstranda, gross phenotypes, Feed switch 2015-09, 2016-01 Solbergstranda, gut microbiota composition,..., Lipidomics, Metabolomics, Overview of RNAseq datasets in GenoSysFat, RNA sequencing Feed switch- Liver and Gut
Snapshots: No snapshots
16S rRNA amplicon sequencing (Illumina MiSeq, V3-V4 region) to assess community structure.
Submitter: Jon Olav Vik
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Next generation sequencing
Investigation: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Organisms: Salmo salar
SOPs: 16S metagenomic sequencing library preparations, DNA extraction from intestinal samples
Data files: Combined taxonomy table from freshwater and sal..., Feed switch 2015-09 Solbergstranda FASTA for gu..., Feed switch 2015-09 Solbergstranda gut microbio..., Feed switch 2016-01 Solbergstranda FASTA for gu..., Feed switch 2016-01 Solbergstranda gut microbio...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Targeted proteomics for peptides related to fatty acid metabolism. Aim: Check which of these proteins we are able to detect in this experiment.
Submitter: Jon Olav Vik
Assay type: Proteomics
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Organisms: Salmo salar
Data files: Feed switch 2015-09 Solbergstranda proteomics o..., Feed switch 2015-09 Solbergstranda target prote...
Snapshots: No snapshots
From the "data accessibility" section of Life-stage associated remodeling of lipid metabolism regulation in Atlantic salmon. (Publication):
Supplementary files have been deposited to under the accession: Raw RNA-Seq data have been deposited into European Nucleotide Archive (ENA) under the project Accession no. PRJEB24480.
Dead links 2022-06-29 (the Shiny ...
Submitter: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
Assay type: RNA-seq
Technology type: Next generation sequencing
Investigation: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Organisms: Salmo salar
SOPs: Liver Slice protocol, RNASeq Template
Data files: Gene_information, Gut- CPM, Gut- Counts, Gut- FPKM, Lipid_Gene_List, Liver- CPM, Liver- Counts, Liver- FPKM, Metadata, Sample metadata
Snapshots: No snapshots
Record of weight, length and sex of fish sampled after feed switch between vegetable and marine oil, in September 2015 (freshwater) and January 2016 (seawater). Young fry arrived at Solbergstranda 2015-02-05 17:20.
Submitter: Thomas Harvey
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Next generation sequencing
Investigation: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Organisms: Salmo salar
SOPs: Schedule for transition to seawater in GSF1, Ge...
Data files: Description of feeds for crossover feeding tria..., Feed switch 2015-09, 2016-01 Solbergstranda gro..., Metabolomics sampleID Old to New
Snapshots: No snapshots
Fatty acids are extracted from samples and converted to fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) followed by separation by gas chromatography. This yields fatty acid profiles for each sample as percent of total FAME or milligram FAME per gram of biomass.
Hei Magny,
Et par ting:
- vi trenger å få orden på data... Lurer derfor på om du kan du lage ett dokument som inneholder alle resultat fra GCen? Uten ...
Submitter: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: Fatty acid content in feeds used in GenoSysFat ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Fatty acids are extracted from samples and converted to fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) followed by separation by gas chromatography. This yields fatty acid profiles for each sample as percent of total FAME or milligram FAME per gram of biomass.
Hei Magny,
Et par ting:
- vi trenger å få orden på data... Lurer derfor på om du kan du lage ett dokument som inneholder alle resultat fra GCen? Uten ...
Submitter: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: Fatty acid profile of Muscle, Liver and Gut_Fre..., Fatty acid profile of Muscle, Liver, and Gut -s..., GSF1_Freshwater_FAME, GSF1_Seawater_FAME, Muscle fatty acid analysis GenoSysFat feed-swit...
Snapshots: No snapshots
An overview of RNA sequencing data generated in GenoSysFat (and a couple of others).
Source: Email from Simen Rød Sandve to Jon Olav Vik and Fabian Grammes 2017-02-10, titled "RNAseq generert i GSF".
This should be turned into separate RNAseq Assays when we can allocate people for it. Currently the following have records already:
Tissue panel for gene expression in ZF, Med, RT
Tissue panel for gene expression in ZF,Med,RT- RNA sequencing ...
Submitter: Jon Olav Vik
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Rna-seq
Investigation: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
NB! The files here are the old version for the files in Lipidomics (Experimental Assay)
Lipidomic analysis by LC-MS of tissue samples from the GSF1 feed-switch experiment. Samples were analyzed at NTNU by Zdenka Bartosova and Per Bruheim.
There are two separate data files of lipid analysis in muscle and liver samples. Excel sheets contains both raw and normalised data of compounds abundance. Normalization to all compounds was used as a normalization method.
We have also performed a "normalization ...
Submitter: Jon Olav Vik
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Liquid Chromatography Mass Spectrometry
Investigation: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Organisms: Salmo salar
SOPs: SOP_Lipid analysis
Data files: NEG FW_Liver_Tentative Compounds Identification, NEG FW_Muscle_Tentative Compounds Identification, NEG Fresh Water Liver, NEG Fresh Water Muscle, NEG SW_Liver_Tentative Compounds Identification, NEG SW_Muscle_Tentative Compounds Identification, NEG_Salt Water Liver, NEG_Salt Water Muscle, POS FW_Liver_Tentative Compounds Identification, POS FW_Muscle_Tentative Compounds Identification, POS_ Fresh Water Liver, POS_ Fresh water Muscle, POS_Normalization_experiment, POS_Salt Water Liver, POS_Salt Water Muscle, Preliminary principal component analysis, SW_Liver_Tentative Compounds Identification- Po..., SW_Muscle_Tentative Compounds Identification- P...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Lipidomic analysis by UPC2-MS of tissue samples from the GSF1 feed-switch experiment. Samples were analyzed at NTNU by Zdenka Bartosova and Per Bruheim.
There are three separate data files of lipid analysis in muscle, liver and gut tissue samples. Excel sheets contains both raw and normalised data of compounds abundance. Normalization to all compounds was used as a normalization method.
Columns: Compound 0.93_858.7669n Anova (p) 0,044998264 q Value 0,009417222 Max Fold Change 1,644961431 Maximum ...
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Supercritical fluid chromatography - Mass spectrometry
Investigation: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Organisms: Salmo salar
Data files: Lipid Class Quantitation- POS Gut SW+FW, Lipid Class Quantitation- POS Liver SW+FW, Lipid Class Quantitation- POS Muscle SW+FW, Lipid identification- POS Gut, Lipid identification- POS Liver, Lipid identification- POS Muscle, POS Gut tissue FW+SW, POS Liver tissue FW+SW, POS Muscle tissue FW+SW
Snapshots: No snapshots
Spreadsheet of weight, length and sex of fish sampled after feed switch between vegetable and marine oil, in September 2015 (freshwater) and January 2016 (seawater).
Spreadsheet columns are:
- Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
- Day (day zero is the day before first feeding with new feed)
- Inputter (person entering data into Excel)
- Tank (1, 2, 4, 5 with Atlantic salmon, 3 and 6 with rainbow trout)
- Section (tanks were divided in half using perforated walls)
- Treatment (explained in sheet "treatments")
Creators: Jon Olav Vik, Jacob Seilø Torgersen, Arne Gjuvsland, Sandve Simen, Yang Jin, Tom Harvey
Submitter: Jon Olav Vik
CPM is a descriptive measures for the expression level of a gene.
Creator: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
Submitters: Jon Olav Vik, Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
Salmon feed switch experiment: Lipid class quantitation for liver tissue samples (POS mode).
Lipid class abbreviations used: CE, cholesterol esters FC, free cholesterol Cer, ceramides HexCer, hexosyl ceramides (ie. galactosyl and glucosyl ceramides) MG, monoacylglycerols DG, diacylglycerols TG, triacylglycerols LPE, lysophosphatidylethanolamines LPC, lysophosphatidylcholines PC, phosphatidylcholines PE, phosphatidylethanolamines PG, phosphatidylglycerols SM, sphingomyelins.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Sahar Hassani
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Lipidomics
Salmon feed switch experiment: Lipid class quantitation for muscle tissue samples (POS mode).
Lipid class abbreviations used: CE, cholesterol esters FC, free cholesterol Cer, ceramides HexCer, hexosyl ceramides (ie. galactosyl and glucosyl ceramides) MG, monoacylglycerols DG, diacylglycerols TG, triacylglycerols LPE, lysophosphatidylethanolamines LPC, lysophosphatidylcholines PC, phosphatidylcholines PE, phosphatidylethanolamines PG, phosphatidylglycerols SM, sphingomyelins.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Sahar Hassani
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Lipidomics
Salmon feed switch experiment: Lipidomic data (POS mode) of gut tissue samples.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Sahar Hassani
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Lipidomics
Salmon feed switch experiment: Lipidomic data (POS mode) of muscle tissue samples.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Sahar Hassani
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Lipidomics
Salmon feed switch experiment: Lipid identification for muscle tissue samples (POS mode).
Lipid abbreviations used: CE, cholesterol esters Cer, ceramides GalCer, galactosyl ceramides GluCer, glucosyl ceramides MG, monoacylglycerols DG, diacylglycerols TG, triacylglycerols LPE, lysophosphatidylethanolamines LPC, lysophosphatidylcholines PC, phosphatidylcholines PE, phosphatidylethanolamines PG, phosphatidylglycerols PI, phosphatidylinositols PS, phosphatidylserines SM, sphingomyelins.
The 'O-' ...
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Sahar Hassani
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Lipidomics
Salmon feed switch experiment: Lipid identification for liver tissue samples (POS mode).
Lipid abbreviations used: CE, cholesterol esters Cer, ceramides GalCer, galactosyl ceramides GluCer, glucosyl ceramides MG, monoacylglycerols DG, diacylglycerols TG, triacylglycerols LPE, lysophosphatidylethanolamines LPC, lysophosphatidylcholines PC, phosphatidylcholines PE, phosphatidylethanolamines PG, phosphatidylglycerols PI, phosphatidylinositols PS, phosphatidylserines SM, sphingomyelins.
The 'O-' ...
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Sahar Hassani
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Lipidomics
Salmon feed switch experiment: Lipid identification for gut tissue samples (POS mode).
Lipid abbreviations used: CE, cholesterol esters Cer, ceramides GalCer, galactosyl ceramides GluCer, glucosyl ceramides MG, monoacylglycerols DG, diacylglycerols TG, triacylglycerols LPE, lysophosphatidylethanolamines LPC, lysophosphatidylcholines PC, phosphatidylcholines PE, phosphatidylethanolamines PG, phosphatidylglycerols PI, phosphatidylinositols PS, phosphatidylserines SM, sphingomyelins.
The 'O-' prefix ...
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Sahar Hassani
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Lipidomics
Salmon feed switch experiment: Lipid class quantitation for gut tissue samples (POS mode).
Lipid class abbreviations used: CE, cholesterol esters FC, free cholesterol Cer, ceramides HexCer, hexosyl ceramides (ie. galactosyl and glucosyl ceramides) MG, monoacylglycerols DG, diacylglycerols TG, triacylglycerols LPE, lysophosphatidylethanolamines LPC, lysophosphatidylcholines PC, phosphatidylcholines PE, phosphatidylethanolamines PG, phosphatidylglycerols SM, sphingomyelins.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Sahar Hassani
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Lipidomics
Salmon feed switch experiment: Lipidomics data (POS mode) of liver samples.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Sahar Hassani
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Lipidomics
Muscle samples (fresh water sampling) - Identification of compounds based on the LipidBlast database.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Jon Olav Vik, Thomas Harvey
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Metabolomics
Negative mode lipidomics of muscle samples from saltwater sampling.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Jon Olav Vik, Thomas Harvey
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Metabolomics
Muscle samples (salt water sampling) - Identification of compounds based on the LipidBlast database.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Jon Olav Vik, Thomas Harvey
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Metabolomics
Liver samples (salt water sampling) - Identification of compounds based on the LipidBlast database.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Jon Olav Vik, Thomas Harvey, Sahar Hassani
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Metabolomics
Liver samples (fresh water sampling) - Identification of compounds based on the LipidBlast database.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Jon Olav Vik, Thomas Harvey
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Metabolomics
Liver samples (fresh water sampling) - Identification of compounds based on the LipidBlast database.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Jon Olav Vik, Thomas Harvey
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Metabolomics
Muscle samples (fresh water sampling) - Identification of compounds based on the LipidBlast database.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Jon Olav Vik, Thomas Harvey
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Metabolomics
Salmon feed experiment: Lipidomic data (NEG mode) of muscle samples from fresh water sampling.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Jon Olav Vik, Thomas Harvey
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Metabolomics
Salmon feed experiment: Lipidomic data (NEG mode) of liver samples from fresh water sampling.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Per Bruheim, Jon Olav Vik, Thomas Harvey, Sahar Hassani
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Metabolomics
Extraction procedure and lipid analysis.
Creators: Zdenka Bartosova, Jon Olav Vik, Per Bruheim, Thomas Harvey
Submitter: Zdenka Bartosova
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Metabolomics
Winter conditions for 5 weeks (6th october – 10th November):
- Light on 12 hours per day
- Turn off water heating
- Feeding probably needs to be adjusted according to lower metabolism and feed intake in cold water
Spring condition (10th of November – 15th of December):
- Water heating on
- constant light (24hrs/day)
Vaccination (when and by whom?)
Transfer to sea-water (15th of December)
Last sampling for GenoSysFat in sea water (5th January – 25th of January).
Source: email with subject ...
Creators: Jon Olav Vik, Sandve Simen
Submitter: Jon Olav Vik
Source: Tom Harvey [E- mail from Jon Olav 19 May 2016]
Creators: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran, Thomas Harvey, Jacob Seilø Torgersen
Submitter: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a... and 5 hidden items
Assays: RNA sequencing Feed switch- Liver and Gut and 17 hidden items
Use this template when you upload RNA sequencing data. Email : 31 May 2016 More columns need to be added PE/SE etc?
Creators: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran, Jon Olav Vik, Thomas Harvey, Sandve Simen, Hanne Hellerud Hansen
Submitter: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die... and 2 hidden items
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a... and 7 hidden items
Assays: RNA sequencing Feed switch- Liver and Gut and 8 hidden items
Describes the workflow used for preparation of a 16S rRNA gene amplicon (V3-V4 region) Library for sequencing on a MiSeq platform (Illumina) using V3 sequencing chemistry with 300 base pairs paired-end reads.
Creators: Inga Leena Angell, Jon Olav Vik, Graceline Tina Kirubakaran, Sahar Hassani
Submitter: Inga Leena Angell
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die... and 1 hidden item
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a... and 1 hidden item
Assays: Feed switch 2015-09, 2016-01 Solbergstranda, gu... and 1 hidden item
All creators
Describes how the DNA was isolated from salmon intestinal samples before preparations of 16S rRNA gene amplicons for the Illumina MiSeq system.
Creators: Stuart Owen, Sahar Hassani, RAGNHILD ÅNESTAD, Jesse van Dam, Dagmar Waltemath, Kristina Vagonyte-Hallan, Kristil Sundsaasen, Natalie Stanford, Lars Snipen, Sandve Simen, Jacob Seilø Torgersen, Inga Leena Angell, Dominic Nanton, Vitor Martins dos Santos, Torgeir R. Hvidsten, Thomas Harvey, Hanne Hellerud Hansen, Fabian Grammes, Arne Gjuvsland, Gareth Gillard, Graceline Tina Kirubakaran, Jon Olav Vik
Submitter: Inga Leena Angell
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Knut Rudi, Inga Leena Angell, Phillip B. Pope, Jon Olav Vik, Simen Rød Sandve, Lars-Gustav Snipen
Date Published: 15th Jan 2018
Publication Type: Not specified
DOI: 10.1128/AEM.01974-17
Citation: Appl Environ Microbiol 84(2) : e01974-17
Abstract (Expand)
Author: R. C. Edgar
Date Published: 18th Aug 2013
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 23955772
Citation: Nat Methods. 2013 Oct;10(10):996-8. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.2604. Epub 2013 Aug 18.
Abstract (Expand)
Author: R. C. Edgar
Date Published: 12th Aug 2010
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 20709691
Citation: Bioinformatics. 2010 Oct 1;26(19):2460-1. doi: 10.1093/bioinformatics/btq461. Epub 2010 Aug 12.
Authors: J. G. Caporaso, J. Kuczynski, J. Stombaugh, K. Bittinger, F. D. Bushman, E. K. Costello, N. Fierer, A. G. Pena, J. K. Goodrich, J. I. Gordon, G. A. Huttley, S. T. Kelley, D. Knights, J. E. Koenig, R. E. Ley, C. A. Lozupone, D. McDonald, B. D. Muegge, M. Pirrung, J. Reeder, J. R. Sevinsky, P. J. Turnbaugh, W. A. Walters, J. Widmann, T. Yatsunenko, J. Zaneveld, R. Knight
Date Published: 11th Apr 2010
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 20383131
Citation: Nat Methods. 2010 May;7(5):335-6. doi: 10.1038/nmeth.f.303. Epub 2010 Apr 11.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: A. Brazma, P. Hingamp, J. Quackenbush, G. Sherlock, P. Spellman, C. Stoeckert, J. Aach, W. Ansorge, C. A. Ball, H. C. Causton, T. Gaasterland, P. Glenisson, F. C. Holstege, I. F. Kim, V. Markowitz, J. C. Matese, H. Parkinson, A. Robinson, U. Sarkans, S. Schulze-Kremer, J. Stewart, R. Taylor, J. Vilo, M. Vingron
Date Published: 1st Dec 2001
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 11726920
Citation: Nat Genet. 2001 Dec;29(4):365-71.
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: G. Gillard, T. N. Harvey, A. Gjuvsland, Y. Jin, M. Thomassen, S. Lien, M. Leaver, J. S. Torgersen, T. R. Hvidsten, J. O. Vik, S. R. Sandve
Date Published: No date defined
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 29431879
Citation: Mol Ecol. 2018 Feb 12. doi: 10.1111/mec.14533.
DigiSal Metabolomics and Lipidomics Update
- Organic acid test ok
- Next
- Analyze all samples for OA (or selection? – include days and feed variation)
- Then aminoacids?
- Evaluate results – choose some samples for CapIC?
Creator: Per Bruheim
Submitter: Per Bruheim
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Lipidomics, Metabolomics
Data modelling methods that are capable of maintaining block structure, as for example the block structure of the blocks of lipid classes, are called multi-block methods e.g. Consensus Principal Component Analysis (CPCA) and Multi-block Partial Least Squares Regression (MBPLSR). CPCA and MBPLR are two large families of MB methods. The developed methods can still be transferred to other data analysis methods. CPCA and MBPLSR which are extensions of PCA and PLSR to multi-block data sets can be ...
Creator: Sahar Hassani
Submitter: Sahar Hassani
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a...
Assays: Lipidomics, Metabolomics