Joined: 2nd Feb 2016
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Salmon farming in the future must navigate conflicting and shifting demands of sustainability, shifting feed prices, disease, and product quality. The industry needs to develop a flexible, integrated basis of knowledge for rapid response to new challenges. The Digital Salmon will be an ensemble of mathematical descriptions of salmon physiology, combining mathematics, high-dimensional data analysis, computer science and measurement technology with genomics and experimental biology into a concerted ...
Projects: GenoSysFat, DigiSal, SEEK tutorial for DigiSal, DigiSal-BT8121
Web page:
Towards the Digital Salmon: From a reactive to a pre-emptive research strategy in aquaculture (DigiSal)
Salmon farming in the future must navigate conflicting and shifting demands of sustainability, shifting feed prices, disease, and product quality. The industry needs to develop a flexible, integrated basis of knowledge for rapid response to new challenges. Project DigiSal will lay the foundations for a Digital Salmon: an ensemble of mathematical descriptions of salmon physiology, combining ...
Programme: The Digital Salmon
Public web page:
Organisms: Danio rerio, Salmo salar, Oncorhynchus mykiss
Salmon farmed on modern feeds contains less of the healthy, long-chain fatty acids (EPA and DHA) than before. Up until the turn of the millennium, farmed salmon were fed fish oil as a replacement for their omega-3 rich natural prey. However, fish oil is now a scarce resource, and more than half of the fat in modern feeds comes from plant oils that are inexpensive, but devoid of long-chain omega-3 fatty acids. How can we increase the omega-3 content of salmon on sustainable feeds?
One option is ...
Programme: The Digital Salmon
Public web page:
Organisms: Danio rerio, Salmo salar, Oncorhynchus mykiss
This experiment is designed to pinpoint where in the metabolic network there are differences between salmon of different genetic families and on different diets. Analyses of this material will help inform feeding and breeding strategies.
Salmon will be reared on feeds with contrasting levels of very-long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids. Then some fish will be crossed over to the other diet while others remain as controls. This perturbation of diet should provoke changes in omega-3 metabolism ...
Submitter: Jon Olav Vik
Investigation: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Assays: Fatty acid contents in feed using Gas chromatography/FAME analysis, Fatty acid contents in tissues using Gas chromatography/FAME analysis, Feed switch 2015-09 Solbergstranda, pilot proteomics, Feed switch 2015-09, 2016-01 Solbergstranda, gross phenotypes, Feed switch 2015-09, 2016-01 Solbergstranda, gut microbiota composition,..., Lipidomics, Metabolomics, Overview of RNAseq datasets in GenoSysFat, RNA sequencing Feed switch- Liver and Gut
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Fatty acids are extracted from samples and converted to fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs) followed by separation by gas chromatography. This yields fatty acid profiles for each sample as percent of total FAME or milligram FAME per gram of biomass.
Hei Magny,
Et par ting:
- vi trenger å få orden på data... Lurer derfor på om du kan du lage ett dokument som inneholder alle resultat fra GCen? Uten ...
Submitter: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: Fatty acid content in feeds used in GenoSysFat ...
Snapshots: No snapshots
An overview of RNA sequencing data generated in GenoSysFat (and a couple of others).
Source: Email from Simen Rød Sandve to Jon Olav Vik and Fabian Grammes 2017-02-10, titled "RNAseq generert i GSF".
This should be turned into separate RNAseq Assays when we can allocate people for it. Currently the following have records already:
Tissue panel for gene expression in ZF, Med, RT
Tissue panel for gene expression in ZF,Med,RT- RNA sequencing ...
Submitter: Jon Olav Vik
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Rna-seq
Investigation: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die...
Spreadsheet of weight, length and sex of fish sampled after feed switch between vegetable and marine oil, in September 2015 (freshwater) and January 2016 (seawater).
Spreadsheet columns are:
- Date (YYYY-MM-DD)
- Day (day zero is the day before first feeding with new feed)
- Inputter (person entering data into Excel)
- Tank (1, 2, 4, 5 with Atlantic salmon, 3 and 6 with rainbow trout)
- Section (tanks were divided in half using perforated walls)
- Treatment (explained in sheet "treatments")
Creators: Jon Olav Vik, Jacob Seilø Torgersen, Arne Gjuvsland, Sandve Simen, Yang Jin, Tom Harvey
Submitter: Jon Olav Vik
Fatty acid methyl ester (FAME) analysis showing which fatty acids were in the samples, though not what specific lipids they were part of (triacylglycerides, phospholipids, etc.)
Values in Ark1!A2:AO21 are probably mass percent of total FAME, including C19:0 added for calibration. Sample identifiers are lab-local; GSF1 identifiers are in Ark5!A4:U22 but suffer from typos. Use caution and see below.
This workbook is a mess:
- Results appear in ...
Creators: Magny Sidsel Thomassen, Sandve Simen, Jacob Seilø Torgersen, Jon Olav Vik, Arne Gjuvsland
Submitter: Magny Sidsel Thomassen
Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) is the most valuable farmed fish globally and there is much interest in optimizing its genetics and rearing conditions for growth and feed efficiency. Marine feed ingredients must be replaced to meet global demand, with challenges for fish health and sustainability. Metabolic models can address this by connecting genomes to metabolism, which converts nutrients in the feed to energy and biomass, but such models are currently not available for major aquaculture species ...
Creators: Maksim Zakhartsev, Filip Rotnes, Marie Gulla, Ove Oyas, Jesse van Dam, Maria Suarez Diez, Fabian Grammes, Wout van Helvoirt, Jasper Koehorst, Peter Schaap, Yang Jin, Liv Torunn Mydland, Arne Gjuvsland, Sandve Simen, Vitor Martins dos Santos, Jon Olav Vik
Submitter: Jon Olav Vik
Model type: Stoichiometric model
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
Winter conditions for 5 weeks (6th october – 10th November):
- Light on 12 hours per day
- Turn off water heating
- Feeding probably needs to be adjusted according to lower metabolism and feed intake in cold water
Spring condition (10th of November – 15th of December):
- Water heating on
- constant light (24hrs/day)
Vaccination (when and by whom?)
Transfer to sea-water (15th of December)
Last sampling for GenoSysFat in sea water (5th January – 25th of January).
Source: email with subject ...
Creators: Jon Olav Vik, Sandve Simen
Submitter: Jon Olav Vik
Use this template when you upload RNA sequencing data. Email : 31 May 2016 More columns need to be added PE/SE etc?
Creators: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran, Jon Olav Vik, Thomas Harvey, Sandve Simen, Hanne Hellerud Hansen
Submitter: Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
Investigations: Omega-3 metabolism of salmon in relation to die... and 2 hidden items
Studies: GSF1: Salmon feed-switch experiment vegetable a... and 7 hidden items
Assays: RNA sequencing Feed switch- Liver and Gut and 8 hidden items
All creators
Describes how the DNA was isolated from salmon intestinal samples before preparations of 16S rRNA gene amplicons for the Illumina MiSeq system.
Creators: Stuart Owen, Sahar Hassani, RAGNHILD ÅNESTAD, Jesse van Dam, Dagmar Waltemath, Kristina Vagonyte-Hallan, Kristil Sundsaasen, Natalie Stanford, Lars Snipen, Sandve Simen, Jacob Seilø Torgersen, Inga Leena Angell, Dominic Nanton, Vitor Martins dos Santos, Torgeir R. Hvidsten, Thomas Harvey, Hanne Hellerud Hansen, Fabian Grammes, Arne Gjuvsland, Gareth Gillard, Graceline Tina Kirubakaran, Jon Olav Vik
Submitter: Inga Leena Angell
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Maksim Zakhartsev, Filip Rotnes, Marie Gulla, Ove Oyas, Jesse van Dam, Maria Suarez Diez, Fabian Grammes, Robert Hafthorsson, Wout van Helvoirt, Jasper Koehorst, Peter Schaap, Yang Jin, Liv Torunn Mydland, Arne Gjuvsland, Sandve Simen, Vitor Martins dos Santos, Jon Olav Vik
Date Published: 1st Jun 2022
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1010194
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Y Jin, IL Angell, SR Sandve, LG Snipen, Y Olsen, K Rudi
Date Published: 24th Jan 2019
Publication Type: Not specified
DOI: 10.3354/aei00297
Citation: Aquacult. Environ. Interact. 11 : 31
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: G. Gillard, T. N. Harvey, A. Gjuvsland, Y. Jin, M. Thomassen, S. Lien, M. Leaver, J. S. Torgersen, T. R. Hvidsten, J. O. Vik, S. R. Sandve
Date Published: No date defined
Publication Type: Not specified
PubMed ID: 29431879
Citation: Mol Ecol. 2018 Feb 12. doi: 10.1111/mec.14533.