Oncorhynchus mykiss

Details about this organism

Synonyms (3)

Parasalmo mykiss, Oncorhynchus nerka mykiss, Salmo mykiss

Definitions (0)

None defined

NCBI taxonomy browser

Strain details

Name Provider name Provider's strain ID Genotypes Phenotypes Synonym Comments Based on
Rainbow Trout gut Guelph Canada Kristin Schirmer RTgutGC wild-type wild-type CVCL_DE13 http://identifiers.org/cellosaurus/CVCL_DE13 Not specified
Rainbow Trout distal intestine Milan Italy http://fish-ai.eu/ RTdiMI wild-type wild-type Not specified Collaboration between NMBU (Trond Kortner/Guro Løkka) and the Fish AI group in Milan. Not specified
Rainbow Trout proximal intestine Milan Italy http://fish-ai.eu/ RTpiMI wild-type wild-type Not specified Collaboration between NMBU (Trond Kortner/Guro Løkka) and the Fish AI group in Milan. Not specified
Rainbow Trout proximal intestine Milan Italy http://fish-ai.eu/ RTpiMI wild-type wild-type Not specified Collaboration between NMBU (Trond Kortner/Guro Løkka) and the Fish AI group in Milan. Not specified
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