Column 1: Row numbers Column 2: Sample id (See below) Column 3: Water (Fish from salt water or fresh water) Column 4: Tissue (Liver or Gut) Column 5: Feed (MA- Marine oil, VO- Vegetable oil) Column 6: Day Column 7: Count file location
Column 2 explained: The freshwater fish have no tank numbers and saltwater fish do have tank numbers eg : 69-D0-MA-G-1 - > 69 well position (id given when sequncing), Day 0, Marine oil, Gut, Fish number 1 147-D16-VO-MA-L-6 -> 147 well position, Day 16, Vegetable oil to marine oil, Liver, Fish number 6 109-D0-MA-G-T2-1 -> 109 well position, Day 0, Marine oil, Gut, Tank 2, Fish number 1
D6-MA-L-7, D6-VO-L-7 Sampled twice by accident
Views: 1395 Downloads: 91
Created: 12th Jul 2016 at 11:12
Last updated: 20th Aug 2021 at 10:19
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Version History
Version 1 (earliest) Created 12th Jul 2016 at 11:12 by Graceline Tina Kirubakaran
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