Data files
What is a Data file?Filters
Visualization of the workflow demonstrating a step-by-step explanation for a sc-SynO analysis. a) Several or one snRNA-Seq or scRNA-Seq fastq datasets can be used as an input. Here, we identify our cell population of interest and provide raw or normalized read counts of this specific population to sc-SynO for training. b) Further information for cluster annotation and processed count data are serving as input for the core algorithm. c) Based on the data input, we utilize the LoRAS synthetic ...
Creators: Markus Wolfien, Saptarshi Bej
Submitter: Markus Wolfien
Validation of the sc-SynO model for the first use case of cardiac glial cell annotation. UMAP representation of the manually clustered Bl6 dataset of Wolfien et al. (2020) Precicted cells of sc-SynO are highlighted in blue, cells not chosen are grey. UMAP representation of the manually clustered dataset of Vidal (2019). Precicted cells of sc-SynO are highlighted in blue, cells not chosen are grey. Average expression of the respective top five cardiac glial cell marker genes for both validation ...
Creators: Markus Wolfien, Saptarshi Bej
Submitter: Markus Wolfien
Validation of the sc-SynO model for the second use case of proliferative cardiomyocytes annotation. a) UMAP representation of the manually clustered single-nuclei dataset of Linscheid et al. (2019) Precicted cells of sc-SynO are highlighted in blue (based on top 20 selected features in the training model), red (based on top 100 selected features in the training model) cells not chosen are grey. b) UMAP representation of the manually clustered dataset of Vidal et al. (2020). PPrecicted cells of ...
Creators: Markus Wolfien, Saptarshi Bej
Submitter: Markus Wolfien
The NFDI4Health Task Force COVID-19 Metadata Schema Mapping (Metadata Schema Mapping) contains a list of properties describing a resource being registered in the Study Hub of the NFDI4Health Task Force COVID-19 (Study Hub) and how those properties align with other standards (FHIRE, CDISK, DRKS, ITRCP)
Creators: None
Submitter: Martin Golebiewski
The NFDI4Health Task Force COVID-19 Metadata Schema (Metadata Schema) contains a list of properties describing a resource being registered in the Study Hub of the NFDI4Health Task Force COVID-19 (Study Hub).
Creators: Aliaksandra Shutsko, Carsten Oliver Schmidt, Johannes Darms, Martin Golebiewski, Moritz Lehne, Matthias Löbe, Sophie Klopfenstein, Carina Nina Vorisek
Submitter: Martin Golebiewski
More information can be found on GitHub:
Creator: Xiaokang Zhang
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
Source code and relevant files can be found on GitHub:
Creator: Xiaokang Zhang
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
Creators: Xiaokang Zhang, Marta Eide, Odd André Karlsen, Inge Jonassen, Anders Goksøyr, Jared V. Goldstone; John Stegeman
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
There are four datasheets in the Excel file: 1. Gene pattern and the corresponding category (the gene list is then divided into the other three datasheets); 2. These gene names (patterns) can be directly followed by either a letter or a number; 3. These gene names (patterns) should be directly followed by a letter; 4. These gene names (patterns) should be directly followed by a number.
Creators: Xiaokang Zhang, Marta Eide, Odd André Karlsen, Inge Jonassen, Anders Goksøyr, Jared V. Goldstone; John Stegeman
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
Creators: Xiaokang Zhang, Marta Eide, Odd André Karlsen, Inge Jonassen, Anders Goksøyr, Jared V. Goldstone; John Stegeman
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
Creators: Andreas Albersmeier, Jörn Kalinowski
Submitter: Jacqueline Wolf
Creator: Jacqueline Wolf
Submitter: Jacqueline Wolf
Creators: Alexey Kolodkin, Hans V. Westerhoff
Submitter: Alexey Kolodkin
Biometric data from in vivo II experiment
The reactions existing in the auto-generated draft model are shown in blue, and the manually filled gaps are shown in green. Comparing our draft model with the same subsystem from model iHepatocytes2322, the missing reactions are highlighted in pink. The pink dots indicate the parent toxicants.
Creator: Xiaokang Zhang
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
gadMorTrinity can be found at:
Creator: Xiaokang Zhang
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
COBRA Matlab toolbox was used.
Creators: Xiaokang Zhang, Eileen Marie Hanna
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
Small set of values for entering into NetLogo simulation
Creator: Hannah O'Keefe
Submitters: Daryl Shanley, Hannah O'Keefe