Projects: SysMO-LAB
Institutions: Wageningen University & Research
Expertise: Bioinformatics, Mathematical modelling, Reactor models, dynamics of biological networks.
Tools: Molecular Biology, Cell biology, Computational and theoretical biology, Metabolomics, Model organisms, SBML, ODE, Partial differential equations, Algebraic equations, Linear equations, Copasi, JWS Online, Matlab, Mathematica, SQL, Material balance based modeling
I'm a modeller, specialized in kinetic modeling of biochemical networks. My focus in the SysMO-LAB consortium is on creating models of Lactococcus lactis glycolysis and couple this to other related lactic acid bacteria like Streptococcus pyogenes and Enterococcus faecalis. Besides kinetic modeling, I'm also interested in combining various modeling techniques (genome-scale modeling, qualitative modeling).
Projects: MOSES, ExtremoPharm, ZucAt, GenoSysFat, DigiSal, EraCoBiotech 2 nd call proposal preparation, FAIRDOM & LiSyM & de.NBI Data Structuring Training
Institutions: University of Stuttgart, University of Hohenheim, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Expertise: Biochemistry, coupling metabolome and environome, rapid sampling experiments, Systems Biology, carbon metabolism, Stoichiometric modelling, Proteomics, Metabolomics, yeast, fungi, Dynamics and Control of Biological Networks
Tools: Biochemistry and protein analysis, Metabolomics, Matlab, Fermentation, Chromatography, Material balance based modeling, stimulus response experiments, continuous cultivation, Enzyme assay, Mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS), HPLC, GC and LC/MS analysis of metabolites, ODE, Parameter estimation
I've become a SysMO DB PAL for MOSES project in 2007 being a post-doc in lab of Prof. Matthias Reuss at University of Stuttgart. In the MOSES project, our major efforts were in the experimental data acquisition for dynamic model of primary carbon and anaerobic energy metabolism in yeast. The model implements prediction of perturbations of two types: glucose pulse and temperature jump. We implement “stimulus-response” methodology for the unraveling the dynamic structure of the network and to ...
Projects: COSMIC
Institutions: Beuth University of Applied Sciences Berlin

Expertise: Mathematical modelling, Data Management, coupling metabolome and environome, rapid sampling experiments, dynamics of biological networks, bioreactor models, Optimal experimental design, Dynamic optimization., Nonlinear Dynamics, Data Integration, Parameter estimation
Tools: SBML, Matlab, Fermentation, Material balance based modeling, stimulus response experiments, evaluation of process dynamics, continuous cultivation, Dynamic modelling
Process engineer, modeling biological systems since 1985.
Expertise: Molecular Biology, Bioinformatics, Mathematical modelling, Reactor models, dynamics of biological networks, Mathematical and statistical modeling, bioreactor models, Dynamics and Control of Biological Networks, Parameter estimation
Tools: Bioinformatics, Computational and theoretical biology, Transcriptomics, Model organisms, Single Cell analysis, SBML, ODE, Linear equations, Matlab, Microarray analysis, linux, Material balance based modeling, stimulus response experiments, DIVA, differential algebraic equations, evaluation of process dynamics, continuous cultivation
I'm an engineer at the MPI Magdeburg and I'm working in the field of mathematical modeling, model verification, parameter identification, model analysis and experimental design. I'm involved in two projects, KOsmoBac and PSYSMO.