Projects: COVID-19 Disease Map, Covid-19 Interferon pathway modelling and analysis, Boolean modeling of Parkinson disease map
Institutions: Luxembourg Centre for Systems Biomedicine (LCSB), University of Luxembourg

Expertise: Machine Learning, Deep Learning, Modeling, Medical microbiology, Molecular Biology
Tools: Python, R, Matlab, Javascript, SBML, Dynamic modelling, microbiology techniques, Shell scripting
Projects: SysMetEx
Institutions: Ruhr University Bochum
Projects: SCaRAB, BaCell-SysMO
Institutions: University of Greifswald
Expertise: Molecular microbiology, bacterial physiology, stress adaptation of Gram-positiv bacteria, application of functional genomics technologies in microbiology
Tools: Transcriptomics, molecular biology techniques, microbiology techniques, gel-based and gel-free proteomics, analysis of functional genomics data
By training I am a molecular microbiologist with a particular interest in bacterial stress adaptation reactions. Since the early 90ies we have used functional genomics technologies, particularly proteomics, to investigate the response of Bacillus subtilis to environmental challenges. I am currently Head of the Functional Genomics Department of the Interfaculty Institute of Genetics and Functional Genomics at the Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald. Within the Department we are applying ...
Projects: BaCell-SysMO
Institutions: University of Erlangen-Nuernberg
Expertise: Microbiology, Molecular Biology, Bacillus subtilis, regulation of gene expression, carbon metabolism, Clostridium, carbon catabolite regulation in Gram positive bacteria, mRNA, overflow metabolism in Bacillus
Tools: Genetic modification, cultivation, northern blot analysis, Molecular biology techniques (RNA/DNA), Optimal experimental design, absolute quantification, qRT-PCR, reporter gene analyses, Western blot analyses, microbiology techniques
Projects: PSYSMO, DigiSal, GenoSysFat, HUMET Startup, EmPowerPutida, MycoSynVac - Engineering Mycoplasma pneumoniae as a broad-spectrum animal vaccine, SAFE-Aqua, INDIE - Biotechnological production of sustainable indole
Institutions: Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research Braunschweig, Wageningen University & Research
Expertise: Microbiology, Mathematical modelling of biosystems and bioprocesses, Optimal experimental design, Systems Biology, Biotechnology
Tools: Bioinformatics, Genetic modification, Proteomics, Fermentation, Microarray analysis, Computational Systems Biology, Metabolic Engineering, microbiology techniques, reverse engineering, computational platform development, metabolic netwlrk visualization
My research activities has been to use mathematical models and Computational Biology to answer biological questions, intertwining in silico and experimental methods at all stages. I have a strong interest in exploring the interfaces between Fundamental Biology and bona fide Engineering, specifically in the realm of environmental and industrial problems. The research goals of my group are to contribute to the elucidation of mechanisms underlying basic cellular processes, evolution and ecological ...
Projects: STREAM
Institutions: INBIOTEC Leon
Expertise: Microbiology, Transcriptomics, regulation of gene expression, bacterial gene regulation, Molecular microbiology, Microarray experiments with prokaryotes, Protein-DNA-interaction, Streptomyces, genetic engineering
Tools: Microbiology, Genetic modification, Transcriptomics, PCR, Microarray analysis, Chip-chip, Northern analyses), Bioconductor Packages in R, Molecular biology techniques (RNA/DNA/Protein), Mutant and Strain Construction, site-directed and random mutagenesis, reporter gene analyses, microbiology techniques, analysis of functional genomics data, transcription analysis