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31 Studies visible to you, out of a total of 35

Zhewen Guo, Haosheng Feng, Timothy Swager


Abstract: Herein, we present the development and evaluation of a molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP) sensor for the sensitive and selective detection of N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) in aqueous environments. MIP coatings over electrochemically active electrodes enable NDMA detection with a notably low detection limit of 1.16 ppb. Our findings demonstrate that the ...

Megan K. Proulx, Christine D. Wiggins, Charlotte J. Reames, Claire Wu, Michael C. Kiritsy, Patricia Grace, Clare M. Smith, Cecelia S. Lindestam Arlehamn, Galit Alter, Douglas A. Lauffenburger, Christopher M. Sassetti

Training Data for the Model:

Abstract: While control of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) infection is generally understood to require a Th1-immune response and IFN secretion, infection ...

Krista M. Pullen, Ryan Finethy, Seung-Hyun B. Ko, Charlotte J. Reames, Christopher M. Sassetti, Douglas A. Lauffenburger


Abstract:Numerous studies have identified similarities in blood transcriptomic signatures of mouse tuberculosis (TB) models and human disease phenotypes, such as type 1 interferon (IFN) production and innate immune cell activation, yet the pathophysiology observed in murine infection does not recapitulate some of the hallmarks of human ...

_Andrew W. Simonson, Joseph J. Zeppa, Allison N. Bucsan, Michael C. Chao, Supriya Pokkali, Forrest Hopkins, Michael R. Chase, Andrew J. Vickers, Matthew S. Sutton, Caylin G. Winchell, Amy J. Myers, Cassaundra L. Ameel, Ryan Kelly, Ben Krouse, Luke E. Hood, Jiaxiang Li, Chelsea C. Lehman, Megha Kamath, Jaime Tomko, Mark A. Rodgers, Rachel Donlan, Harris Chishti, H. Jacob Borish, Edwin Klein, Charles A. Scanga, Sarah Fortune, Philana Ling Lin, Pauline Maiello, Mario Roederer, Patricia A. Darrah, ...

Satomi Hirose, Tatusya Osaki, Roger D. Kamm

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Abstract: Metastasis, the leading cause of cancer-related deaths, involves a complex cascade of events, including extravasation. Despite extensive research into metastasis, the mechanisms underlying extravasation remain unclear. Molecular targeted therapies have advanced cancer treatment, yet their efficacy is limited, prompting exploration into novel ...

Joshua M. Peters, Edward B. Irvine, Jacob M. Rosenberg, Marc H. Wadsworth II, Travis K. Hughes, Matthew Sutton, Sarah K. Nyquist, Joshua D. Bromley, Rajib Mondal, Mario Roederer, Robert A. Seder, Patricia A. Darrah, Galit Alter, JoAnne L. Flynn, Alex K. Shalek, Sarah M. Fortune, Bryan D. Bryson


Intradermal Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) is the most widely administered vaccine, but it does not sufficiently ...

Huu Tuan Nguyen, Nadia Gurvich, Mark Robert Gillrie, Giovanni Offeddu, Mouhita Humayun, Ellen L. Kan, Zhengpeng Wan, Mark Frederick Coughlin, Christie Zhang, Vivian Vu, Sharon Wei Ling Lee, Seng-Lai Tan, David Barbie, Jonathan Hsu, Roger D. Kamm

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Abstract: Tumor-associated inflammation drives cancer progression and therapy resistance, often linked to the infiltration of ...

Leela RL Davies, Chuangqi Wang, Pia Steigler, Kathryn A Bowman, Stephanie Fischinger, Mark Hatherill, Michelle Fisher, Staney Kimbung Mbandi, Miguel Rodo, Tom HM Ottenhoff, Hazel M Dockrell, Jayne S Sutherland, Harriet Mayanja-Kizza, W Henry Boom, Gerhard Walzl, Stefan H.E. Kaufmann, Elisa Nemes, Thomas J Scriba, Douglas Lauffenburger, Galit Alter, Sarah M. Fortune.

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Abstract: Antibody features vary ...

Joshua D. Bromley, Sharie Keanne C. Ganchua, Sarah K. Nyquist, Pauline Maiello, Michael Chao, H. Jacob Borish, Mark Rodgers, Jaime Tomko, Kara Kracinovsky, Douaa Mugahid, Son Nguyen, Dennis Wang, Jacob M. Rosenberg, Edwin C. Klein, Hannah P. Gideon, Roisin Floyd-O’Sullivan, Bonnie Berger, Charles A Scanga, Philana Ling Lin, Sarah M. Fortune, Alex K. Shalek, JoAnne L. Flynn

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Immunological ...

Michelle Chen, Elliot I. Corless, Bevin P. Engelward, Timothy M. Swager

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Agglutination of liquid Janus emulsions creates optical signals that can be detected and quantified. This study reports the detection and quantitation of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) using emulsions functionalized at the water-organic interface with engineered hyperthermophilic affinity proteins (rcSso7d) derived from ...

Jessica C. Beard, Chi-Hsien Wang, Arun Sridharan, Robert G. Croy, John M. Essigmann, Timothy M. Swager

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N-Nitrosamines are contaminants found throughout the environment, including in drinking water, and many nitrosamines are likely potent carcinogens. Correspondingly, there is need for rapid and cost-effective in-field detection methods that can provide timely information about their contamination ...

Shu Wang, Amy J Myers, Edward B Irvine, Chuangqi Wang, Pauline Maiello, Mark A Rodgers, Jaime Tomko, Kara Kracinovsky, H. Jacob Borish, Michael C Chao, Douaa Mugahid, Patricia A. Darrah, Robert A. Seder, Mario Roederer, Charles A Scanga, Philana Ling Lin, Galit Alter, Sarah M Fortune, JoAnne L Flynn, Douglas A Lauffenburger

Paper Link:

Link to Model Validation Datasets:

Abstract: ...

Giovanni S. Offeddu#, Elena Cambria#, Sarah E. Shelton, Kristina Haase, Zhengpeng Wan, Luca Possenti, Huu Tuan Nguyen, Mark R. Gillrie, Dean Hickman, Charles G. Knutson, and Roger D. Kamm

Abstract: Desmoplasia in breast cancer leads to heterogeneity in physical properties of the tissue, resulting in disparities in drug delivery and treatment efficacy among patients, thus contributing to high disease mortality. Personalized in vitro breast cancer models hold ...

Meng Sun*, Jolie M. Phan*, Nathan S. Kieswetter, Krystle K.Q. Yu, Malisa T. Smith, Huang Huang, Sanjana Gupta, Gerlinde Obermoser, Holden Terry Maecker, Akshaya Krishnan, Neha Gupta, Mary Rieck, Peter Acs, Mustafa Ghanizada, Shin-Heng Chiou, Purvesh Khatri, W. Henry Boom, Thomas R. Hawn, Catherine M. Stein, Harriet Mayanja-Kizza, Mark M. Davis*, Chetan Seshadri*

Abstract: A subset of individuals with a high probability of exposure to M. tuberculosis (M.tb) ...

Caylin G. Winchell, Sarah K. Nyquist, Michael C. Chao, Pauline Maiello, Amy J. Myers, Forrest Hopkins, Michael Chase, Hannah P. Gideon, Kush V. Patel, Joshua D. Bromley, Andrew W. Simonson, Roisin Floyd-O’Sullivan, Marc Wadsworth, Jacob M. Rosenberg, Rockib Uddin, Travis Hughes, Ryan J. Kelly, Josephine Griffo, Jaime Tomko, Edwin Klein, Bonnie Berger, Charles A. Scanga, Joshua Mattila, Sarah M. Fortune, Alex K. Shalek, Philana Ling Lin, JoAnne L. Flynn; CD8+ lymphocytes are critical for early ...

Huu Tuan Nguyen, Nicholas Pietraszek, Sarah E. Shelton, Kwabena Arthur, Roger D. Kamm

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Abstract: Significance: Accurate cell segmentation and classification in 3 dimensional (3D) images are vital for studying live cell behavior and drug responses in 3D tissue culture. Evaluating diverse cell populations in 3D cell culture over time necessitates non-toxic staining methods, as specific fluorescence tags may not be suitable and immunofluorescence ...

Edward B. Irvine, Joshua M. Peters, Richard Lu, Patricia S. Grace, Jaimie Sixsmith, Aaron Wallace, Matthew Schneider, Sally Shin, Wiktor Karpinski, Jeff C. Hsiao, Esther van Woudenbergh, Arturo Casadevall, Bryan D. Bryson, Lisa Cavacini, Galit Alter, Sarah M. Fortune doi:

Novel vaccination and therapeutic strategies are urgently needed to mitigate the tuberculosis (TB) epidemic. While extensive efforts have focused ...

Jing Ge, Le P. Ngo, Simran Kaushal, Ian J. Tay, Elina Thadhani, Jennifer E. Kay, Patrizia Mazzucato, Danielle N. Chow, Jessica L. Fessler, David M. Weingeist, Robert W. Sobol, Leona D. Samson, Scott R. Floyd, Bevin P. Engelward,*


DNA damage can be cytotoxic and mutagenic, and it is directly linked to aging, cancer, and other diseases. To counteract the deleterious effects of DNA damage, cells have ...

Norah Owiti, Joshua Corrigan, Lee Pribyl, Jennifer Kay, Bevin Engelward

The comet assay is a versatile assay for detecting DNA damage in eukaryotic cells. The assay can measure the levels of various types of damage, including DNA strand breaks, abasic sites and alkali-sensitive sites. Furthermore, the assay can also be modified to include purified DNA glycosylases so that alkylated and oxidized bases can be detected. The ...

Edward B Irvine, Patricia A Darrah, Shu Wang, Chuangqi Wang, Ryan P McNamara, Mario Roederer, Robert A Seder, Douglas A Lauffenburger, JoAnne L Flynn, Sarah M Fortune, Galit Alter

Altering the route of Bacille Calmette-Guérin (BCG) immunization from low-dose intradermal vaccination to high-dose intravenous (IV) vaccination resulted in a high level of protection against Mycobacterium tuberculosis ( Mtb ) infection, ...

Emmanouil Angelidakis, Sophia Chen, Shun Zhang, Zhengpeng Wan, Roger D. Kamm, Sarah E. Shelton

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A bidirectional association exists between metastatic dissemination and the hypercoagulable state associated with many types of cancer. As such, clinical studies have provided evidence that markers associated with elevated levels of coagulation and fibrinolysis correlate with decreased patient survival. However, ...

Lauren Baugh, Brittany A. Goods, Juan S. Gnecco, Yunbeen Bae, Michael Retchin, Constantine N. Tzouanas, Megan Loring, Keith Isaacson, Alex K. Shalek, Douglas Lauffenburger, Linda Griffith

Endometriosis is a debilitating gynecological disorder affecting approximately 10% of the female population. Despite its prevalence, robust methods to classify and treat endometriosis remain elusive. Changes ...

Juan S. Gnecco, Alexander Brown, Kira Buttrey, Clara Ives, Brittany A. Goods, Lauren Baugh, Victor Hernandez-Gordillo, Megan Loring, Keith Isaacson, Linda G. Griffith

The human endometrium undergoes recurring cycles of growth, differentiation, and breakdown in response to sex hormones. Dysregulation of epithelial-stromal communication during hormone cycles is linked to myriad gynecological disorders for which treatments ...

Hannah P.Gideon, Travis K.Hughes, Constantine N.Tzouanas, Marc H.WadsworthII, Ang AndyTu, Todd M.Gierahn, Joshua M.Peters, Forrest F.Hopkins, Jun-RongWei, Conner Kummerlowe, Nicole L.Grant, Kievershen Nargan, Jia YaoPhuah, H. JacobBorish, Pauline Maiello, Alexander G.White, Caylin G.Winchell, Sarah K.Nyquist, Sharie Keanne C.Ganchua, Amy Myers, Kush V.Patel, Cassaundra L.Ameel, Catherine T.Cochran, Samira Ibrahim, Jaime A.Tomko, Lonnie JamesFrye, Jacob ...

Irene Hu and Harold Hemond

Aquatic eddy covariance (AEC) is an in situ technique for measuring fluxes in marine and freshwater systems based on the covariance of velocity and concentration measurements. Here, development of a fast multiple-channel sensor (FACT) enables the use of AEC for measurement of benthic fluxes of fluorescent dissolved organic material, salt, and heat at three distinct sites in Massachusetts, USA, including the ...

Jennifer E. Kay, Joshua J. Corrigan, Amanda L. Armijo, Ilana S. Nazari, Ishwar N. Kohale, Dorothea K. Torous, Svetlana L. Avlasevich, Robert G. Croy, Dushan N. Wadduwage, Sebastian E. Carrasco, Stephen D. Dertinger, Forest M. White, John M. Essigmann, Leona D. Samson, Bevin P. Engelward


Link to all of the Imaging done in this study: ...

Thiel BA, Worodria W, Nalukwago S, Nsereko M, Sanyu I, Rejani L, Zawedde J, Canaday DH, Stein CM, Chervenak KA, Malone LL, Kiyemba R, Silver RF, Johnson JL, Mayanja-Kizza H, Boom WH. Immune cells in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of Ugandan adults who resist versus those who develop latent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection. PLoS One. 2021 Apr 9;16(4):e0249477. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0249477. PMID: 33836031; PMCID: PMC8034721.

Abstract: ...

Haosheng Feng, Shao-Xiong Lennon Luo, Robert G Croy, John M. Essigmann, Timothy M. Swager

Cu(I) from tetrakis(acetonitrile)copper(I) hexafluorophosphate ([Cu(MeCN)4]PF6) was complexed with five structurally related phosphines containing N-heterocycles. The interactions between the resulting complexes and some N-nitrosamines were studied using X-ray crystallography as well as emission spectroscopy. Upon complexation, three ...

Amanda L. Armijo, Pennapa Thongaram, Bogdan I. Fedeles, Judy Yau, Jennifer E Kay, Joshua J. Corrigan, Marisa Chancharoen, Supawadee Chawanthayatham, Leona D. Samson, Sebastian E. Carrasco, Bevin P. Engelward, James G. Fox, Robert G. Croy & John M. Essigmann

DNA-methylating environmental carcinogens such as N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) and certain alkylators used in chemotherapy form O6-methylguanine (m6G) as a functionally critical intermediate. NDMA ...

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