Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) constraints for light conditions
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Created: 21st Dec 2015 at 14:38
Last updated: 4th Jun 2016 at 21:45

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Version 3 (latest) Created 4th Jun 2016 at 21:45 by Maksim Zakhartsev
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Institutions: University of Stuttgart, University of Hohenheim, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Norwegian University of Science and Technology

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I've become a SysMO DB PAL for MOSES project in 2007 being a post-doc in lab of Prof. Matthias Reuss at University of Stuttgart. In the MOSES project, our major efforts were in the experimental data acquisition for dynamic model of primary carbon and anaerobic energy metabolism in yeast. The model implements prediction of perturbations of two types: glucose pulse and temperature jump. We implement “stimulus-response” methodology for the unraveling the dynamic structure of the network and to ...
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Web page: http://www.denbi.de
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Public web page: Not specified
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Sucrose translocation between plant tissues is crucial for growth, development and reproduction of plants. Systemic analysis of this metabolic process and underlying regulatory processes can help to achieve better understanding of carbon distribution within the plant and the formation of phenotypic traits. Sucrose translocation from ‘source’ tissues (e.g. mesophyll) to ‘sink’ tissues (e.g. root) is tightly bound to the proton gradient across the membranes. The plant sucrose transporters are grouped ...
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