The multi-compartmental metabolic network of Arabidopsis thaliana was reconstructed and optimized in order to explain growth stoichiometry of the plant both in light and in dark conditions. Balances and turnover of energy (ATP/ADP) and redox (NAD(P)H/NAD(P)) metabolites as well as proton in different compartments were estimated. The model showed that in light conditions, the plastid ATP balance depended on the relationship between fluxes through photorespiration and photosynthesis including both cyclic and non-cyclic electron flow. The ATP balance in plastid depended on the ratio between these processes, and therefore can be either deficient, self-supported or producing a surplus. The excess of redox potential from the photosynthetic light system was translocated to the mitochondrion via the malate/oxaloacetate shuttle. The model showed that the mitochondrion consumed protons under both ‘light’ and ‘dark’ conditions and provided ATP to the cytoplasm. Matching the proton fluxes with proton-dependent translocation of sucrose between tissues from source to sink in light and dark conditions corresponded well to the known molecular mechanism of sucrose transport.
Modelling analysis
Projects: ZucAt
Investigation: Metabolic analysis of effects of sucrose translocation on phenotypic traits of Arabidopsis thaliana
Assay position:
Biological problem addressed: Metabolic Network
Organisms: Arabidopsis thaliana
- ZucAt: FBA constraints for light conditions
- ZucAt: FBA constraints for dark conditions
- ZucAt: FBA solution of the model under dark growth conditions
- ZucAt: The stoichiometric matrix of the model
- ZucAt: The compound database
- ZucAt: The gene database
- ZucAt: The transformers database
- ZucAt: FBA solution of the model under light growth conditions (I)
- ZucAt: FBA solution of the model under light growth conditions (II)
- ZucAt: FBA solution of the model under light growth conditions (III)
- ZucAt: the model documentation
- ZucAt: FBA solution of the model under light growth conditions (IV)
- ZucAt: FBA solution of the model under light growth conditions (V)
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Views: 5549
Created: 21st Dec 2015 at 16:05
Last updated: 8th Nov 2017 at 14:21
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Web page:
ZucAt - Sucrose (from german Zucker) translocation in Arabidopsis thaliana. Sucrose translocation between plant tissues is crucial for growth, development and reproduction of plants. Systemic analysis of this metabolic process and underlying regulatory processes can help to achieve better understanding of carbon distribution within the plant and the formation of phenotypic traits. Sucrose translocation from ‘source’ tissues (e.g. mesophyll) to ‘sink’ tissues (e.g. root) is tightly bound to the ...
Programme: de.NBI Systems Biology Service Center (de.NBI-SysBio)
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Arabidopsis thaliana
Sucrose translocation between plant tissues is crucial for growth, development and reproduction of plants. Systemic analysis of this metabolic process and underlying regulatory processes can help to achieve better understanding of carbon distribution within the plant and the formation of phenotypic traits. Sucrose translocation from ‘source’ tissues (e.g. mesophyll) to ‘sink’ tissues (e.g. root) is tightly bound to the proton gradient across the membranes. The plant sucrose transporters are grouped ...
we describe a multi-compartmental model consisting of a mesophyll cell with plastid and mitochondrion, a phloem cell, as well as a root cell with mitochondrion. In this model, the phloem was considered as a non-growing transport compartment, the mesophyll compartment was considered as both autotrophic (growing on CO2 under light) and heterotrophic (growing on starch in darkness), and the root was always considered as heterotrophic tissue completely dependent on sucrose supply from the mesophyll ...
Submitter: Maksim Zakhartsev
Investigation: Metabolic analysis of effects of sucrose transl...
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The solution of Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) represents metabolic flux distribution in ZucAt model under light growth conditions. In this solution, (i) the ratio photorespiration / photosynthesis has been fixed to 0.25; and (ii) cyclic electron flow through FQR (ferredoxin-plastoquinone reductase) has been set 0.1 from non-cyclic flow through FRN (ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase). Under this constraints, ATP formed by non-cyclic photophosphorylation is not sufficient to fulfill ATP/NADPH ratio for ...
The solution of Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) represents metabolic flux distribution in the model under light growth conditions. In this solution, (i) the photorespiration was set to 0; and (ii) cyclic electron flow through FQR (ferredoxin-plastoquinone reductase) has been set of 0.1 of flow through FRN (ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase). Under this constraints, ATP is under-produced in plastid and therefore is additionally imported to cytoplasm. Flux through FQR represents cyclic electron flow through ...
The solution of Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) represents metabolic flux distribution in ZucAt model under light growth conditions. In this solution, (i) the ratio photorespiration / photosynthesis has been fixed to 0.25; and (ii) cyclic electron flow through FQR (ferredoxin-plastoquinone reductase) has been set 0.5 from non-cyclic flow through FRN (ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase). Under this constraints, ATP is over-produced in plastid and a surplus is exported to cytoplasm. Flux through FQR ...
The solution of Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) represents metabolic flux distribution in ZucAt model under light growth conditions. In this solution, (i) the ratio photorespiration / photosynthesis has been fixed to 0.25; (ii) and ATP transport between plastid and cytoplasm has been set to 0. The last constraint allows finding the ratio between fluxes through FQR (ferredoxin-plastoquinone reductase) and FRN (ferredoxin-NADP oxidoreductase) under which the ATP balance in plastid becomes self-sufficient ...
The solution of Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) represents metabolic flux distribution in ZucAt model under light growth conditions. In this solution, (i) the ratio photorespiration / photosynthesis has been fixed to 0.25; (ii) and cyclic electron flow through FQR (ferredoxin-plastoquinone reductase) has been set to 0. Under this constraints, ATP formed by non-cyclic photophosphorylation is not sufficient to fulfill ATP/NADPH ratio for carbon fixation, therefore plastid imports ATP from cytoplasm.
The solution of Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) represent metabolic flux distribution in the model under dark growth conditions (i.e. constraints)
Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) constraints for light conditions
Flux Balance Analysis (FBA) constraints for dark conditions
The database in ASCII format includes information on compounds and metabolites (trivial name, elemental composition, charge, external database referece, etc) used in the model
The database in ASCII format includes information on gene (gene models in ATG format, gene definition, catalyzed reactions in the model, external database refeneces, locus information, etc) used in the model
Creators: Maksim Zakhartsev, Irina Medvedeva
Submitter: Maksim Zakhartsev
Relationship type: Not specified
The database in ASCII format includes information on transformers [reactions, transport steps, polymerizations] (model's identifier, trivial name, EC number, stoichiometric equation, external database referece, activators, belonging to a pathway, etc) used in the model
The stoichiometric matrix of the multi-compartment metabolic model of growing Arabidopsis thaliana
The ASCII file includes complete information on used transformers / compounds / genes and their inter-connection in the model. The Transformer information includes: Identifier name, Trivial name, Stoichiometric equation, Compartment, EC number, Pathway, Associated genes). The Compound information includes: Identifier name, Trivial name, Kegg ID, Compartment. The Gene information includes: ATG code of the genes whose products participate in transformations accounted in the model, Association with ...
The model presents a multi-compartmental (mesophyll, phloem and root) metabolic model of growing Arabidopsis thaliana. The flux balance analysis (FBA) of the model quantifies: sugar metabolism, central carbon and nitrogen metabolism, energy and redox metabolism, proton turnover, sucrose translocation from mesophyll to root and biomass growth under both dark- and light-growth conditions with corresponding growth either on starch (in darkness) or on CO2 (under light). The FBA predicts that ...
Creators: Maksim Zakhartsev, Olga Krebs, Irina Medvedeva, Ilya Akberdin, Yuriy Orlov
Submitter: Maksim Zakhartsev
Model type: Metabolic network
Model format: SBML
Environment: Not specified
Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana
Investigations: Metabolic analysis of effects of sucrose transl... and 1 hidden item
Studies: Analysis of central carbon and energy metabolis... and 1 hidden item
Assays: Flux Balance Analysis of multi-compartment meta... and 1 hidden item