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Andrew's work-in-progress P2012 version. NB KNOWN PROBLEMS do not use lightly. Derived from PLM_49, after removing ABA regulation and tidying up the SBML in COPASI. Please see version comments for IMPORTANT notes.

Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2013-02-26 17:23:01

Draft of MEP pathway for isoprenoid synthesis, created 2012-2013 by Oender Kartal in the Gruissem lab. He notes "It contains some annotations and references for the parameter values and rate equations and produces a stable steady state, so you can do some control analysis. It simulates day-metabolism, since the MEP Pathway is supposedly active during the day." Unpublished, for use by TiMet consortium only.

Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2013-09-13 09:10:53

This is a version derived from a model from the article: Experimental validation of a predicted feedback loop in the multi-oscillator clock of Arabidopsis thaliana. Locke JC, Kozma-Bognár L, Gould PD, Fehér B, Kevei E, Nagy F, Turner MS, Hall A, Millar AJ Mol. Syst. Biol.2006;Volume:2;Page:59 17102804,   The model describes a three loop circuit of the Arabidopsis circadian clock. It provides initial conditions, parameter values and reactions for the production rates of the following species: LHY ...

This version is derived from a model from the article: Extension of a genetic network model by iterative experimentation and mathematical analysis. Locke JC, Southern MM, Kozma-Bognár L, Hibberd V, Brown PE, Turner MS, Millar AJ Mol. Syst. Biol. 2005; 1: 2005.0013 16729048,  SBML model of the interlocked feedback loop network The model describes the circuit depicted in Fig. 4 and reproduces the simulations in Figure 5A and 5B. It provides initial conditions, parameter values and rules for the ...

Temperature-sensitive version of Pokhilko 2010 Arabidopsis clock model, from Biomodels BIOMD00273, prepared by Mirela Domijan for the Gould et al. paper on cryptochrome influences on circadian rhythms.    Molecular Systems Biology 9 Article number: 650  doi:10.1038/msb.2013.7 Published online: 19 March 2013 Citation: Molecular Systems Biology 9:650 Network balance via CRY signalling controls the Arabidopsis circadian clock over ambient temperatures Gould, Ugarte, Domijan et al. doi:10.1038/msb.2013.7Originally ...

A cell-level model of the Arabidopsis root elongation zone. This spatial model is divided up into biological cells which are further divided into simulation boxes. The original model was designed to investigate how canal cells can accumulate auxin over time rather than to investigate the transport of auxin through the canal cells per se. The main outputs of the simulations in the original paper were the steady state ratios of auxin in the canal cell protoplasts to that in the parenchyma cell ...

A cell-level model of the Arabidopsis root elongation zone. This spatial model is divided up into biological cells which are further divided into simulation boxes. The original model was designed to investigate how canal cells can accumulate auxin over time rather than to investigate the transport of auxin through the canal cells per se. The main outputs of the simulations in the original paper were the steady state ratios of auxin in the canal cell protoplasts to that in the parenchyma cell ...

Andrew's "ongoing work" record for the P2011 clock model. Many different versions, with annotations made during SBSI development in 2011-2013 - see version records.

Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2012-05-31 22:18:27

P2011 model from PLM_43 version 6, optimised by Andrew Millar with SBSI PGA optimisation. A limited parameter set were free to optimise over < 10-fold range (less for RNA degradation rates), against ROBuST RNA data for clock genes in WT and mutants at 17C in LD, and period data in the same mutants in LL. The full SBSI costing is included, using costs from mid-June 2012 (note that costs returned with original optimisation in May were incorrectly reported).Originally submitted to PLaSMo on ...

This model is termed P2012 and derives from the article: Modelling the widespread effects of TOC1 signalling on the plant circadian clock and its outputs. Alexandra Pokhilko, Paloma Mas & Andrew J Millar BMC Syst. Biol. 2013; 7: 23, submitted 10 Oct 2012 and published 19 March 2013. Link The model describes the circuit depicted in Fig. 1 of the paper (GIF will be attached soon). It updates the P2011 model from Pokhilko et al. Mol. Syst. Biol. 2012, Plasmo ID PLM_64, by including: TOC1 as a ...

This model is termed P2011 and derives from the article: The clock gene circuit in Arabidopsis includes a repressilator with additional feedback loops. Alexandra Pokhilko, Aurora Piñas Fernández, Kieron D Edwards, Megan M Southern, Karen J Halliday & Andrew J Millar Mol. Syst. Biol. 2012; 8: 574, submitted 9 Aug 2011 and published 6 March 2012. Link Link to Supplementary Information, including equations. Minor errors in the published Supplementary Information are described in a file attached ...

This model is one of five new parameter sets for P2011, published in Flis et al. Royal Society Open Biology 2015. They will be submitted to Biomodels when we have a PubMed ID for the paper. Derived from Original model: P2011.1.2 is public model ID PLM_71 version 1, This model P2011.6.1 is public model ID PLM_1044, with parameters optimised by Kevin Stratford using SBSInumerics software on the UK national ...

This model is one of five new parameter sets for P2011, published in Flis et al. Royal Society Open Biology 2015. They will be submitted to Biomodels when we have a PubMed ID for the paper. Derived from Original model: P2011.1.2 is public model ID PLM_71 version 1, This model P2011.5.1 is public model ID PLM_1043, with parameters optimised by Kevin Stratford using SBSInumerics software on the UK national ...

This model is one of five new parameter sets for P2011, published in Flis et al. Royal Society Open Biology 2015. They will be submitted to Biomodels when we have a PubMed ID for the paper. Derived from Original model: P2011.1.2 is public model ID PLM_71 version 1, This model P2011.4.1 is public model ID PLM_1042, with parameters optimised by Kevin Stratford using SBSInumerics software on the UK national ...

This model is one of five new parameter sets for P2011, published in Flis et al. Royal Society Open Biology 2015. They will be submitted to Biomodels when we have a PubMed ID for the paper. Derived from Original model: P2011.1.2 is public model ID PLM_71 version 1, This model P2011.3.1 is public model ID PLM_1041, with parameters optimised by Kevin Stratford using SBSInumerics software on the UK national ...

Creator - Dr. Daniel D. Seaton. Graphical overview of Arabidopsis clock model P2011 in SBGN, from SBGN-ED in VANTED v2. N.B. to pass PlaSMo validation before update, the tag was back-edited from the correct string to in this file. The file is still correctly opened in VANTED after this modification. The unmodified version is also attached. Related PublicationsFlis et al. (2015). Open ...

To check if all works fine after struts update. Checking editorial options

Additional Attributes

Yes, against schema

Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2013-11-22 15:15:40


Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2015-09-02 18:27:55

This is a model of the circadian clock of Ostreococcus tauri, with a single negative feedback loop between TOC1 and CCA1 (a.k.a. LHY), and multiple light inputs. It was used and described in Troein et al., Plant Journal (2011). The model has been tested in Copasi, where it reproduces the behaviour of the original (which consisted of equations loaded from a text file by a more or less custom C++ program).

Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2010-05-04 11:27:33

"TRIFFID (Top-down Representation of Interactive Foliage and Flora Including Dynamics)" is a dynamic global vegetation model, which updates the plant distribution and soil carbon based on climate-sensitive CO2 fluxes at the land-atmosphere interface. The surface CO2 fluxes associated with photosynthesis and plant respiration are calculated in the MOSES 2 tiled land-surface scheme (Essery et al (In preparation)), on each atmospheric model timestep (normally 30 minutes), for each of 5 plant functional ...

Cytoscape silqueue specific protein detection

Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2012-03-02 12:44:13

Cytoscape shoot specific diurnal transcript oscillation.

Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2012-03-02 12:42:30

The seed network, uploaded as a test from Cytoscape

Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2012-02-24 11:41:50

Test for root network

Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2012-02-27 14:24:59

PP interaction network exported from Cytoscape in XGMML

Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2012-03-02 12:32:33

Trial upload of the pollen netwrok from TiMet

Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2012-02-27 12:17:46

TiMet flower specific protein detection network

Originally submitted to PLaSMo on 2012-03-02 12:39:54

This is a version of the T2011.1.2 Ostreococcus tauri 1-loop clock model where light input to the degradation rate of TOC1 has been eliminated by setting the rate to the value it had in the light in the original model. This model was used to generate Figure 2D in Dixon et al. New Phytologist (2014)Related Publications Laura E. Dixon, Sarah K. Hodge, Gerben van Ooijen, Carl Troein, Ozgur E. Akman, Andrew J. Millar (2014). Light and circadian regulation of clock components aids flexible responses ...

This is a version of the T2011.1.2 Ostreococcus tauri 1-loop clock model where light input to the degradation rate of TOC1 has been eliminated by setting the rate to the value it had in the dark in the original model. This model was used to generate Figure 2D in Dixon et al. New Phytologist (2014)Related PublicationsLaura E. Dixon, Sarah K. Hodge, Gerben van Ooijen, Carl Troein, Ozgur E. Akman, Andrew J. Millar (2014). Light and circadian regulation of clock components aids flexible responses to ...

This is a version of the T2011.1.2 Ostreococcus tauri 1-loop clock model where light input to the activation rate of TOC1 has been eliminated by setting the rate to the value it had in the light in the original model. This model was used to generate Figure 2E in Dixon et al. New Phytologist (2014)Related PublicationsLaura E. Dixon, Sarah K. Hodge, Gerben van Ooijen, Carl Troein, Ozgur E. Akman, Andrew J. Millar (2014). Light and circadian regulation of clock components aids flexible responses to ...

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