ORCID: Not specified
Joined: 13th Sep 2016
Expertise: Python, Systems Biology, Dynamic modelling, Mathematical modelling
Tools: COBRA toolbox, cobrapy toolbox, Python, SBML, Copasi, Computational Systems Biology
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ERA CoBioTech is an ERA-Net Cofund Action under H2020, which aims to strengthen the European Research Area (ERA) in the field of Biotechnology through enhanced cooperation and coordination of different national and regional research programs, promoting systems biology and synthetic biology as technology driversto speed up research and innovation in industrial biotechnology.
› By maximizing synergies between current mechanisms of biotechnology research funding in Europe; › By fostering the exchange ...
Projects: Sustainable co-production, BESTER, Rhodolive, HOTSOLUTE, TRALAMINOL, C1Pro, Cell4Chem
Web page:
The main objective of the ERANET proposal Systems Biology Applications - ERASysAPP (app = application = translational systems biology) is to promote multidimensional and complementary European systems biology projects, programmes and research initiatives on a number of selected research topics. Inter alia, ERASysAPP will initiate, execute and monitor a number of joint transnational calls on systems biology research projects with a particular focus on applications - or in other words so called ...
Projects: SysVirDrug, SysMilk, SysMetEx, MetApp, IMOMESIC, WineSys, CropClock, SYSTERACT, XyloCut, RootBook, ROBUSTYEAST, LEANPROT, ErasysApp Funders
Web page:
Programme: Era CoBioTech
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Rhodotorula glutinis
Escherichia coli is a well-established and the most widely used organism for the production of recombinant proteins (used in medical and industrial applications, as molecular biology reagents, etc.). Production of proteins is the most resource exhaustive process for the cells and therefore needs to be optimized to achieve maximal productivities. Natural environment of E. coli is much harsher compared to the near optimal growth conditions used in production processes. In order to survive cells ...
Programme: ERASysAPP
Public web page:
Organisms: Escherichia coli