Model derived from U2019.1, in which the way the PRR genes are regulated is modified. Repression mechanism introduced Instead of activation between the PRRs for producing the wave of expression. This is inspired in the result of three models P2012, F2014 and F2016. P2012 introduced TOC1 repression in earlier genes relative to its expression. F2014 introduced also the backward repression of PRR9 |-- PRR7 |--- PRR5, TOC1. However little attention was given to why there is a sharper expression pattern. This was covered by F2016 where a formal study on the type or regulation results in sharper RNA expression profile for the PRRs.

Variables for the new regulation were proposed, which did not feedback into the model. This was done to obtain a correct shape for the new regulation. Perfect data from U2019.1 was generated for the networks in the TiMet data set including also ztl mutant. This was the case for both transcript and protein profiles. The next step was to substitute the old PRR regulation for the new regulatory wiring using the parameters obtained from the mentioned fitting. Then new architecture was fitted as U2020.1 resulting in equivalent dynamics for the TiMet variables and networks including ztl. In all these fittings the parameters for cP and COP1 were fixed as they have been fitted before in Pokhilko et al 2012 Mol Sys Bio


1 item is associated with this Model:
  • U2020.1.xml (XML document - 79.1 KB) Download

Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana

Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)

Model format: SBML

Execution or visualisation environment: Copasi

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Created: 7th May 2020 at 16:45

Last updated: 31st Jul 2021 at 21:59

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Version 3 (latest) Created 1st Nov 2020 at 18:30 by Uriel Urquiza Garcia

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