F2014.1.1 becomes the published version, with SBML file originally created from SloppyCell by Uriel Urquiza - see separate file. then Andrew Millar converted into SBML L2V4 in Copasi and added ISSF for light input, using SBSI Stepfunction editor (see Adams et al. 2011 J Biol Rhythms).
SEEK ID: https://fairdomhub.org/models/659?version=1
1 item is associated with this Model:Organism: Arabidopsis thaliana
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: SBML
Execution or visualisation environment: Not specified
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Created: 20th Dec 2019 at 13:47
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Version History
Version 1 (earliest) Created 20th Dec 2019 at 13:47 by Andrew Millar
No revision comments
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Projects: Millar group, TiMet, PHYTOCAL: Phytochrome Control of Resource Allocation and Growth in Arabidopsis and in Brassicaceae crops, POP - the Parameter Optimisation Problem, Regulation of flowering time in natural conditions, PlaSMo model repository
Institutions: University of Edinburgh
https://orcid.org/0000-0003-1756-3654SynthSys is the University of Edinburgh's research organisation in interdisciplinary, Synthetic and Systems Biology, founded in 2012 as the successor to the Centre for Systems Biology at Edinburgh (CSBE).
Projects: Millar group, PHYTOCAL: Phytochrome Control of Resource Allocation and Growth in Arabidopsis and in Brassicaceae crops, TiMet, POP - the Parameter Optimisation Problem, Regulation of flowering time in natural conditions, PlaSMo model repository
Web page: http://www.synthsys.ed.ac.uk
Andrew Millar's research group, University of Edinburgh
Programme: SynthSys
Public web page: http://www.amillar.org
Organisms: Escherichia coli, Arabidopsis thaliana, Ostreococcus tauri
The dataset presents mathematical models of the gene regulatory network of the circadian clock, in the plant Arabidopsis thaliana. The work is published in Urquiza-Garcia and Millar, Testing the inferred transcription rates of a dynamic, gene network model in absolute units, In Silico Plants, 2021.
Starting from the P2011 model, this project corrects theoretical issues (EC steady state binding assumption) to form an intermediate model (first version U2017.1; published as U2019.1) model, rescales ...
Collection of models submitted to PLaSMo by Uriel Urquiza Garcia and automatically transferred to FAIRDOM Hub.
Submitter: BioData SynthSys
Studies: F2014.1 - PLM_1030, PLM_67v3withTempPulse - PLM_81
Assays: F2014.1 - PLM_1030, version 1, PLM_67v3withTempPulse - PLM_81, version 1
Snapshots: No snapshots
The P2011 model (linked in the Assay below) was rescaled to match TiMet RNA data in clock mutants from Flis et al. 2015, also linked here as separate mean and SD files. The raw TiMet data is available elsewhere on FAIRDOMHub.
Submitter: Andrew Millar
Investigation: Absolute units in Arabidopsis clock models up t...
Snapshots: No snapshots
Model that eliminates several light inputs. RVE8, NOX are incorporated. Individual representation of CCA1 and LHY. Several changes in conections and light inputs. Fogelmark reports eight parameter sets. This SBML file contains the first parameter set Related PublicationsFogelmark K, Troein C (2014). Rethinking transcriptional activation in the Arabidopsis circadian clock.. PLoS Comput Biology. Retrieved from: http://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003705Originally ...
Submitter: BioData SynthSys
Investigation: Urquiza Garcia, Uriel
Assays: F2014.1 - PLM_1030, version 1
Snapshots: No snapshots
RNA timeseries data for Arabidopsis Col wild-type plants and clock mutants, as separate mean and SD files. The raw data is available on BioDare.ed.ac.uk, and is linked as 'Attribution' from elsewhere on FAIRDOMHub.
The starting models are included here in their original forms, the P2011 model as an SBML L3V1 model file, and the KF2014 model of Fogelmark et al. shared as SBML; both prepared by Uriel Urquiza.
Submitter: Andrew Millar
Biological problem addressed: Gene Regulatory Network
Investigation: Absolute units in Arabidopsis clock models up t...
Organisms: No organisms
Models: Arabidopsis clock model P2011.1.2, F2014 all parameters in SBML, F2014.1 - PLM_1030, version 1, SUBMITTED, F2014.1.2 with stepfunction and 1 hidden item
Data files: Processed TiMet WP1.1a RNA data, SD, Processed TiMet WP1.1a RNA data, mean
Snapshots: No snapshots
Model that eliminates several light inputs. RVE8, NOX are incorporated. Individual representation of CCA1 and LHY. Several changes in conections and light inputs. Fogelmark reports eight parameter sets. This SBML file contains the first parameter set Related PublicationsFogelmark K, Troein C (2014). Rethinking transcriptional activation in the Arabidopsis circadian clock.. PLoS Comput Biology. Retrieved from: http://journals.plos.org/ploscompbiol/article?id=10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003705Originally ...
Submitter: BioData SynthSys
Biological problem addressed: Gene Regulatory Network
Investigation: Urquiza Garcia, Uriel
Study: F2014.1 - PLM_1030
Organisms: No organisms
Models: F2014 all parameters in SBML, F2014.1 - PLM_1030, version 1, SUBMITTED, F2014.1.2 Copasi, F2014.1.2 with stepfunction and 1 hidden item
Data files: No Data files
Snapshots: No snapshots
Authors: Karl Fogelmark, Carl Troein
Date Published: 17th Jul 2014
Publication Type: Not specified
DOI: 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1003705
Citation: PLoS Comput Biol 10(7) : e1003705