Projects: WP 2: Antimalarial drug encapsulation, Project Coordination, WP 5: Intradermal 3D drug device administration, WP 4: Evaluation of drug activity against multiple life cycle stages of malaria parasites, Unshackling Membrane Protein Research: New Amphiphilic Copolymers for Extraction of Stable, Active Membrane Proteins, WP1 - Structure-activity relationships of amphiphilic copolymers, WP2.1 - Mono-chain-end functional amphiphilic copolymers, WP2.2 - Hetero di-chain-end functional amphiphilic copolymers, WP2.4 - Block copolymers for tethering to surfaces, WP2.3 - Meta-stable amphiphilic copolymers, WP2.5 - Fusion of SMALPs, WP2.6 - SMALPs for photosynthetic research, WP3 - Scalability of polymer production process, WP4 - Community engagement and technical advice
Institutions: University of Stellenbosch, Stellenbosch University PSYSMO, MOSES, SysMO DB, SysMO-LAB, SulfoSys, SulfoSys - Biotec, Whole body modelling of glucose metabolism in malaria patients, FAIRDOM, Molecular Systems Biology, COMBINE Multicellular Modelling, HOTSOLUTE, Steroid biosynthesis, Yeast glycolytic oscillations, Computational pathway design for biotechnological applications, SCyCode The Autotrophy-Heterotrophy Switch in Cyanobacteria: Coherent Decision-Making at Multiple Regulatory Layers, Project Coordination, WP 3: Drug release kinetics study, Glucose metabolism in cancer cell lines
Institutions: Manchester Centre for Integrative Systems Biology, University of Manchester, University of Stellenbosch, University of Manchester - Department of Computer Science, Stellenbosch University