
What is a Programme?
150 Programmes found

A study of the systems biology of innate immunity

Projects: Make Me My Model

Web page:

The RNA Systems Biology Lab Programme compiles the different research projects developed in our lab. The RNA Systems Biology Lab is a collaborative research lab headed by PIs Margarida Gama-Carvalho and Francisco Pinto at the Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry, Faculty of Sciences, University of Lisbon, and integrates the BioSystems and Integrative Sciences Institute (BioISI) Gene Expression and Regulation Group, headed by Margarida Gama-Carvalho. Our research brings together computational ...

Projects: CF transcriptome, miRiAD - exploring the role of microRNAs in T cell function and anti-viral defence, ComPASs - Common Pathways in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (ALS) and Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), LungCARD - Blood test for clinical therapy guidance of non-small cell lung cancer patients, UnCentre - Unlocking satellite DNA and centromere structure in vertebrate chromosomes, Mapping Disease Modules Overlaps in Biological Networks

Web page: Not specified

This is a placeholder Programme for the future development of the interface Project. At the moment we are creating spaces and testing features.

Projects: Interface MIAPPE / BrAPI

Web page: Not specified

No description specified

Projects: Not specified

Web page: Not specified

Development of a NetLogo simulation and RStudio-Shiny web application surrounding cellular senescence for outreach. Aimed at GCSE/A-level students

Projects: Not specified

Web page: Not specified

Testing of FAIRDOMHUB functionality and APIs

Projects: GPSLab testing

Web page: Not specified

testing access to fairdom hub documents. data files etc via the API in various programming languages

Projects: Fairdom Hub documents, RStudio-Shiny and Java_API connection testing

Web page: Not specified

Plant development is strongly influenced by external light cues, yet we know very little of how this is mediated at a molecular level. This BBSRC funded project seeks to determine how phytochrome light receptor signalling connects with the developmental pathways to control plant architecture.

Projects: Light and plant development

Web page:

No description specified

Projects: Not specified

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Projects: Not specified

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The objective of this project is to overcome current limitations for antibody production that are inherent to the extant immune system of vertebrates. This will be done by creating an all-in-one artificial/synthetic counterpart based exclusively on prokaryotic parts, devices and modules. To this end, ARISYS will exploit design concepts, construction hierarchies and standardization notions that stem from contemporary Synthetic Biology for the assembly and validation of (what we believe is) the ...

Projects: Not specified

Web page:

PhD Thesis of Angeles Hueso Gil

Projects: Thesis

Web page: Not specified

The GMDS (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Medizinische Informatik, Biometrie und Epidemiologie) is the German Association for Medical Informatics, Biometry and Epidemiology and is the only scientific organization in this field in Germany. It is the official national member society within the EFMI and IMIA and closely cooperates with related scientific societies.

Projects: GMDS Project Group "FAIRe Dateninfrastrukturen für die Biomedizinische Informatik"

Web page:

The coordinated project TREASURE has as main objective the development and evaluation of a modular treatment train comprising two lines operated in parallel to valorize and treat the wastewater (WW) produced in the fish-canning industry.

Biogroup will be responsible for the Sub-Project 1 TECHNOSALT "Unravelling salt and temperature effects on the performance of an integrated modular system for fish canning wastewater treatment and valorization" Its objective is the development and evaluation of ...

Projects: Not specified

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No description specified

Projects: Backup Transcriptomic data

Web page: Not specified

No description specified

Projects: Not specified

Web page: Not specified

WooBAdh project aims to study the feasibility of replacing formaldehyde in wood adhesives by natural components derived from wood or other vegetable matter. The consortium will develop new bioadhesives which are able to provide a holistic solution to the current emissions challenges facing the wood-based composites industry. The proposed solution is focused on different modifications of polyphenols, namely lignin and tannins, for producing bioadhesives that do not contain formaldehyde in its ...

Projects: Environmentally-friendly bioadhesives from renewable resources (WooBAdh), Ultreia, MPW-Val, Enzymatic biorecycling of PET (PETzyme)

Web page: Not specified

Increasing temperature in the European wine producing regions is having a negative impact on this key sector. Climate change results in a lack of balance between technological and phenolic ripening of wine grapes and, as a consequence, alcohol increase in wines. This trend is of great concern for the European wine industry because it has a negative impact on wine quality, becomes a hurdle for international trade, and jeopardizes compatibility of moderate wine consumption with a healthy lifestyle. ...

Projects: CoolWine

Web page: Not specified

No description specified

Projects: Not specified

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No description specified

Projects: Auromega

Web page: Not specified

Modeling of presynaptic dopamine homeostasis

Projects: Not specified

Web page: Not specified

The computational identification of Zinc Finger genes in genomes. The computational identification of the DNA binding profile of Zinc Finger genes.

Projects: Not specified

Web page: Not specified

Earth and Life Institute at UCLouvain

Projects: Lobet's group

Web page:

A storage of the data #for the first time

projects difference in non-chromosomal genomes of the alloplasmic lines of barley & detection of pathogenic mutations in the patients with non-coronary heart diseases through NGS using

Projects: DCM

Web page: Not specified

This programme will provide infrastructure to several projects performed by the team of the proteome centre tuebingen. Our team and collaborators will be able to share/homogenise protocols, methods and raw data from genomics and proteomics measurements.

Projects: Proteogenomics of melanoma

Web page:

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