Photoperiodic control of the Arabidopsis proteome reveals a translational coincidence mechanism

Click on Snapshot 2 to download data, models and analysis for Daniel Seaton et al. biorXiv 2017 and Molecular Systems Biology, accepted Jan 2018, Note that the published paper cannot be fully linked into this record as the DOI above was not live when we made the Research Object from this Investigation on FAIRDOMHub.

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Alexander Graf, Wilhelm Gruissem, Mark Stitt

Millar, A., Seaton, D., & Baerenfaller, K. (2018). Photoperiodic control of the Arabidopsis proteome reveals a translational coincidence mechanism. FAIRDOMHub.
Note: This is a citation for Snapshot 2 of this Investigation, the contents of which may vary from what is shown on this page.
Snapshot 2 (21st Feb 2018) DOI
Snapshot 1 (20th Feb 2018) DOI

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Created: 16th Nov 2017 at 12:04

Last updated: 18th Sep 2018 at 07:48

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