Projects: WG2 - Integration of early phase studies and low environmental impact actions, WG6 - Promote the transfer of knowledge, WG5 - Promote dissemination, WG1 - Compound libraries coordination and integration of compound design, BioTarget Database, Compound Data
Institutions: Università degli Studi di Siena

Expertise: structural biology, Cancer research, parassite research, drug development, antibiotic resistance, drug resistance, antibacterial drugs, neurodegenerative diseases, metalloproteins, protein-protein interactions, protein production
Tools: X-ray crystallography, Protein chemical methods (protein overproduction, recombinant technology, recombinant protein production, Site-directed mutagenesis, Spectroscopy and structural analysis
Projects: KOSMOBAC
Institutions: Ludwig-Maximilians University of Munich
Expertise: Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology
Tools: Protein chemical methods (protein overproduction, purification, enzymatic analyses, quantitative Western analyses), molecular biological techniques (RNA/DNA techniques, qPCR, Northern analyses), Proteomics (2D-PAGE), mutant strain generation, Fluorecence based reporter gene analyses/single cell analyses
I am research assistant in the microbiology department at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität in Munich (München), working at the chair of Prof. Kirsten Jung. In our SysMO consortium we generate biological data and work in close cooperation with the workgroup of Dr. Andreas Kremling of the Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme in Magdeburg who performs mathematical modeling. The topic of our workpackage deals with "K+ homeostasis in Escherichia coli", wherby the K+ transporters, ...
Projects: BaCell-SysMO
Institutions: University of Erlangen-Nuernberg
Expertise: Molecular Biology, Bacillus subtilis, functional protein expression, protein-protein interactions, microscopy, Bacterial Cell Biology, carbon catabolite regulation in Gram positive bacteria
Tools: Chromatography, Fluorescence and confocal microscopy, Protein chemical methods (protein overproduction, quantitative western blot analysis, Dynamic modelling, 2-D Gel Electrphoresis, Immunofluorescence, Cell culture, Western blot analyses, interaction analysis techniques especially SPR measurements
Projects: SulfoSys, SulfoSys - Biotec
Institutions: University of Sheffield
I am the foundation Professor of Systems Biology and Engineering within the Department of Chemical and Process Engineering (CPE), at The University of Sheffield. My research philosophy is centred on a mechanistic systems biology approach to solve biochemical reaction engineered processes. I wish to pursue issues involved in the effective utilisation of biological resources. The approach is specifically targeted at the conjunction of chemical engineering (metabolic engineering and synthetic biology), ...