I am research assistant in the microbiology department at the Ludwig-Maximilians Universität in Munich (München), working at the chair of Prof. Kirsten Jung. In our SysMO consortium we generate biological data and work in close cooperation with the workgroup of Dr. Andreas Kremling of the Max-Planck-Institut für Dynamik komplexer technischer Systeme in Magdeburg who performs mathematical modeling. The topic of our workpackage deals with "K+ homeostasis in Escherichia coli", wherby the K+ transporters, the transcription of the corresponding genes, and the networks to other systems are analyzed. Thereby, biological data generation goes hand in hand with mathematical modeling.
SEEK ID: https://fairdomhub.org/people/162
ORCID: Not specified
Joined: 23rd Mar 2009
Expertise: Microbiology, Biochemistry, Genetics, Molecular Biology
Tools: Protein chemical methods (protein overproduction, purification, enzymatic analyses, quantitative Western analyses), molecular biological techniques (RNA/DNA techniques, qPCR, Northern analyses), Proteomics (2D-PAGE), mutant strain generation, Fluorecence based reporter gene analyses/single cell analyses