Wolfgang Hillen

About Wolfgang Hillen:


Wolfgang Hillen Full Professor and Chairman of Microbiology Lehrstuhl für Mikrobiologie Institut für Biologie Friedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg Staudtstr. 5 91058 Erlangen, Fed. Rep. of Germany

Date of Birth: April 24, 1948 Place of Birth: Osnabrück, FRG Nationality: German Status: Married Children: Hauke Sven Hillen - May 17, 1987


Present Full Professor and Chairman of Microbiology at the Institute of Biology, Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, FRG. Protein-DNA Recognition, Regulation of Tetracycline Resistance Gene Ex¬pre¬s¬sion, Tetracycline Dependent Gene Regulation in Eukaryotes (Mam¬mals), Catabolite Repression in Bacilli

2006/2007 Sabbatical Research at the MD Anderson Cancer Center, University of Texas, Houston, with Dr. Richard G. Brennan Structure analysis of transcription factor complexes.

1999/2000 Sabbatical Research at the Dept. of Biology, University of California at San Diego, with Dr. Milton H. Saier Catabolite repression in Gram positive bacteria.

1993 Sabbatical Research at American Cyanamid, Lederle Research Labora¬to¬ries, Pearl River, NY with Dr. Frank Tally and Dr. George A. Ellestad Development and analysis of new tetracyclines with activities against resis¬tant bacteria.

1984-1986 Full Professor for Physical Biology, Institute of Physical Biology, Univer¬sity of Düsseldorf, Düsseldorf, FRG. Regulation of Tetracycline Resistance Determinants, Bacterial Expression Systems.

1980-1984 P.I., Institute of Biochemistry, Technische Hochschule Darmstadt, Darm¬stadt, FRG. Structural and Genetic Analysis of Tetracycline Resistance Determinants. Earned Degree: Dr. rer. nat. habil.

1978-1980 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Dept. of Biochemistry, University of Wis¬con¬sin-Madison, Madison, Wi. Structural and Dynamic Properties of DNA Sequences from the lac Regu¬latory Region.

1977-1978 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Institute of Biochemistry, Technische Hoch¬schule Darmstadt, Darmstadt, FRG. Synthesis and Crystallography of Modified Nucleosides.

1974-1977 Graduate Student, Institute of Biochemistry, Westfälische-Wilhelms Uni¬ver¬sität, Münster, FRG. Codon-Anticodon Recognition. Earned Degree: Dr. rer. nat. (summa cum laude)

1969-1974 Undergraduate Student, Department of Chemistry, Westfälische-Wilhelms Uni¬versität, Münster, FRG. Earned Degree: Diplomchemiker (sehr gut)


Gymnasium Carolinum, Osnabrück, Germany 1960-1967 Military Service (drafted) 1967-1969 Department of Chemistry, Münster, Germany 1969-1974 Institute of Biochemistry Münster, Germany 1974-1977


Diplomchemiker (sehr gut) 1974 Dr. rer. nat. (summa cum laude) 1977 Dr. rer. nat. habil. (Biochemistry) 1984


Graduate Fellowship, University of Münster 1974-1977 Postdoctoral Fellowship, Max Kade Foundation, New York 1978-1979 Postdoctoral Fellowship, DFG, Bonn 1979-1980 Appointments offered

Full Professor of Biochemistry, University Bayreuth (declined) 1984 Full Professor of Biophysics, University Düsseldorf (accepted) 1984 Chair of Microbiology, University Erlangen-Nürnberg (accepted) 1986 Chair of Microbiology, University Bochum (declined) 1996 Chair of Department of Microbiology, Medical School, University of Alabama at Birmingham, USA (declined) 2000


Speaker of Study Section "Recombinant DNA Technology", GBCh (German Association of Biological Chemists) 1985-1987 Speaker of Research Group "Cis and Trans Active Elements for Transcription" 1989-1995 Organizer of Annual Meeting of GBCh (German Association of Biological Chemists) Study Group 1986,1987 Co-Organizer of Annual Meeting of GBCh (German Association of Biological Chemists) 1987 Member of the DECHEMA (German Chemical Engineering Association) Biotechnology Committee 1988-1992 Speaker of Forschergruppe "Transkriptionskontrolle und Regulatorproteine" 1989-1996 Speaker of Sonderforschungsbereich 473 "Schaltvorgaenge der Transkription" 1997-present Vice President of the VAAM (German Society of Microbiology) 1999-2001 Speaker of Bavaria California Technology Center 2000-present Member of the Board of Trustees of the Fonds of Chemical Industry 2001-present President of the VAAM (German Society of Microbiology) 2001-2003 Vice President of the VAAM (German Society of Microbiology) 1999-2001 & 2003-2005


Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker (German Association of Chemists) Gesellschaft für Biologische Chemie (German Association of Biological Chemists) Vereinigung Allgemeiner und Angewandter Mikrobiologen (German Association of Microbiologists) American Society of Microbiology American Association for the Advancement of Science Society for General Microbiology, U.K.


Carl Duesberg Preis der GDCh (German Association of Chemists) 1986 Max Planck Forschungspreis fuer Intern. Kooperation (Alexander v. Humboldt Foundation) 1997 Member of the Leopoldina Academy of Sciences, Halle, Germany 2003


Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology 1993-2005 European Journal of Biochemistry, since 2004 The FEBS Journal 1998-present


Co-founder of the "Arbeitsgemeinschaft Gentechnik" consisting of 1982 TH Darmstadt, Institut für Biochemie; Merck KG, Darmstadt; Röhm, Darmstadt; Grünenthal, Stolberg.

Consultant for Grünenthal, Stolberg: Development of prourokinase 1982-1986 production for blood clot dissolvement

Collaboration with Henkel KGaA, Düsseldorf: Development of expression 1984-1994 systems for Bacilli; and Isolation of improved starch hydrolases from Gram positive bacteria

Consultant for formerly Amercian Cyanamide, then American 1992-1996 Home Products, now Wyeth Inc., Pearl River, New York: Development of new antibacterials.

Consultant for Cubist Pharmaceuticals, Boston, Massachussetts: 1997-2001 Development of the VITATM technology for target validation

Consultant for Elitra Inc., San Diego: Development of expression 2001-2000 systems for target validation and screening of antiinfectives.

Cofounder of TET Systems GmbH & Co KG, Heidelberg 2004

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