Metabolism of HepG2 liver cancer cells
Projects: IMOMESIC
Study position:
Experimentalists: Jurgen Haanstra
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Created: 10th Mar 2020 at 12:39
Last updated: 10th Mar 2020 at 12:51
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IMOMESIC - Integrating Modelling of Metabolism and Signalling towards an Application in Liver Cancer
One of the most challenging questions in cancer research is currently the interconnection of metabolism and signalling. An understanding of mechanisms that facilitate the physiological shift towards a proliferative metabolism in cancer cells is considered a major upcoming topic in oncology and is a key activity for future drug development. Due to the complexity of interrelations, a systems biology ...
Programme: ERASysAPP
Public web page: Not specified
Organisms: Homo sapiens
Submitter: Jurgen Haanstra
Studies: Inhibition with Sulfasalazine (SSZ), Measurements of metabolism of HepG2 cells at 0 mM, 6 mM or 22 mM externa..., protein per cell for HepG2 cells
Assays: Cell counts and BCA Protein, Cell counts and metabolite levels, Inhibition experiment for the effect of SSZ on HepG2 metabolism
Snapshots: Snapshot 1, Snapshot 2
Submitter: Jurgen Haanstra
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: Metabolism of HepG2 liver cancer cells
Organisms: No organisms
Data files: HepG2_protein_cell_0mM_6mMGlc
Snapshots: No snapshots
Creator: Jurgen Haanstra
Submitter: Jurgen Haanstra
Investigations: Metabolism of HepG2 liver cancer cells
Studies: protein per cell for HepG2 cells
Assays: Cell counts and BCA Protein