Projects: COSMIC
Institutions: University of Rostock
Prof. Dr. Hubert Bahl Head, Division of Microbiology, Institute of Biological Sciences University of Rostock Albert-Einstein-Str. 3 D-18051 Rostock
Institutions: University of Ulm
Prof. Dr. Peter Dürre Head, Department of Microbiology and Biotechnology, University of Ulm 89069 Ulm, Germany
Projects: COSMIC
Institutions: University of Goettingen
I have a permanent position at the department of microbiology at the TU-München. As a microbiologist I am interested in the regulation of central metabolism in prokaryotic organisms with different types of energy metabolism such as Clostridia, Bacilli and acetic acid bacteria. Furthermore I worked as a software developer for several years in a bioinformatics company and I am very interested in bioinformatics and handling of large amounts of data.
Projects: COSMIC
Institutions: University of Rostock
Projects: COSMIC
Institutions: University of Rostock
PhD University of Rostock, Germany Institute of Biological Sciences Division of Microbiology Albert-Einstein-Str. 3 18051 Rostock
Projects: COSMIC
Institutions: University of Goettingen
I`m interested to investigate the Influence of the accumulation of reduction equivalents on solvent production
Projects: COSMIC, BaCell-SysMO
Institutions: University of Rostock
Modelling of cellular signalling, Dynamic Motifs and Feedback, Quantitative Measures, Theoretical Aspects of Modelling Biological Systems