FAIRDOM-LiSyM-de.NBI Data Structuring Course - Nov 22-23 - Hünfeld (D)

Target audience: Wet-lab scientists and people dealing with experimental and/or clinical data for research

Topics include:

  • Best practice data structuring (spreadsheets) for experimental and (clinical) samples data
  • Comprehensive and unambiguous data description and annotation
  • Standard formats and terminologies for data and metadata
  • Guidelines for reporting data (Minimum information standards)
  • Annotation tools (e.g. RightField: http://www.rightfield.org.uk)
  • Using SEEK & FAIRDOMhub for integrated data management

Registration: http://bit.ly/2ArOC7w (please state if you will attend on both days or only on one day)

To demonstrate the practical relevance, attendees are encouraged to bring their own data and ideally share the data (or spreadsheet data templates) with the data management team beforehand.

Participation is free of charge. Participants from the LiSyM network will get free accommodation and full board and their travel expenses to get to Hünfeld will be refunded.

Organization: LiSyM (http://www.lisym.org) Data Management Team, in conjunction with FAIRDOM (https://fair-dom.org) / ERASysAPP (European ERA-Net for Systems Biology Applications: https://www.erasysapp.eu) and de.NBI (German Network for Bioinformatics Infrastructure: https://www.denbi.de)

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