Data files

What is a Data file?
8 Data files visible to you, out of a total of 8

Contains time series metabolomics measurements in mM from different experiments. Measurements of these internal metabolites should be combined with Growth curve A measurements forthe external metabolites. Contains mean and standard deviation for a few but not all mutants based on multiple time series experiments carried out over the years. Daniel 3rd experiment data is the most complete and is together with Wodke and Tobias measurements used as training data for the model.

Contains for all samples, mean metabolite concentration and shows enzyme concentration used in model fitting and simmulations. Only metabolite present in the model are shown.

Contains: -Relative metabolite measurements at different time points from all experiments -Absolute metabolite measurements for amino-acid analysis of the proteome and the cytosol -Effect on adding CaCl2, KCl or NaCl to the medium on growth -Effect of spiking of growth medium with additional amino acids

Contains relative mutant (OE, KO) perturbation and time series samples metabolite concentrations and enzyme fold change of targeted enzymes used for model validation. Measured are the relative fold change, Mean and SD of log2 fold change values are based on multiple measurements per sample (minimum of three). Contains input data for Automated Model simulations pipeline to load and update the models metabolite concentrations and enzyme parameters to simulate all sample using a custom python script ...

Master file, aggregates metabolite concentrations inside and outside the cell, protein copy number and flux estimates for metabolites in the core model. Based on all internal metabolite concentrations, external metabolite concentrations from growth curve data, flux of glucose, lactate and acetate based on growth curve data and protein copy number data for enzyme concentrations. Combines absolute and relative measurements and metabolomics measurements from different experiment to get an as complete ...

Contains growth curve data such as Glucose uptake rate, lactate and acetate production at different time points. Growth curve A was used train the model with external glucose concentration as well as external lactate, acetate concentration and estimated glucose acetate and lactate flux

Contains relative metabolite concentrations for 40 samples based on technical triplicates. Medium and SD values were calculated and used for 1000 sampled simmulations (sampling from the measurement distribution per metabolite) per sample. Also contains annotion to link metabolite concentrations and protein fold change measurements for OE and KO mutants to the model as well as external glucose, acetate and lactate concentrations. A SBtab like format was used to easily load the MEAN and SD metabolite ...

Contains the FC metabolite concentration values data and a R script to perform PCA, generate hetamaps and a correlation network.

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