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Abstract (Expand)

BACKGROUND: During the lifetime of a fermenter culture, the soil bacterium S. coelicolor undergoes a major metabolic switch from exponential growth to antibiotic production. We have studied gene expression patterns during this switch, using a specifically designed Affymetrix genechip and a high-resolution time-series of fermenter-grown samples. RESULTS: Surprisingly, we find that the metabolic switch actually consists of multiple finely orchestrated switching events. Strongly coherent clusters of genes show drastic changes in gene expression already many hours before the classically defined transition phase where the switch from primary to secondary metabolism was expected. The main switch in gene expression takes only 2 hours, and changes in antibiotic biosynthesis genes are delayed relative to the metabolic rearrangements. Furthermore, global variation in morphogenesis genes indicates an involvement of cell differentiation pathways in the decision phase leading up to the commitment to antibiotic biosynthesis. CONCLUSIONS: Our study provides the first detailed insights into the complex sequence of early regulatory events during and preceding the major metabolic switch in S. coelicolor, which will form the starting point for future attempts at engineering antibiotic production in a biotechnological setting.

Authors: , Florian Battke, Alexander Herbig, , , , , , , , , Edward R Morrissey, Miguel A Juarez-Hermosillo, , Merle Nentwich, , Mudassar Iqbal, , , , , , , , Michael Bonin, , , , , , , , , ,

Date Published: 28th May 2009

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

Mycobacterium tuberculosis can utilize various nutrients including nitrate as a source of nitrogen. Assimilation of nitrate requires the reduction of nitrate via nitrite to ammonium, which is then incorporated into metabolic pathways. This study was undertaken to define the molecular mechanism of nitrate assimilation in M. tuberculosis. Homologues to a narGHJI-encoded nitrate reductase and a nirBD-encoded nitrite reductase have been found on the chromosome of M. tuberculosis. Previous studies have implied a role for NarGHJI in nitrate respiration rather than nitrate assimilation. Here, we show that a narG mutant of M. tuberculosis failed to grow on nitrate. A nirB mutant of M. tuberculosis failed to grow on both nitrate and nitrite. Mutant strains of Mycobacterium smegmatis mc(2)155 that are unable to grow on nitrate were isolated. The mutants were rescued by screening a cosmid library from M. tuberculosis, and a gene with homology to the response regulator gene glnR of Streptomyces coelicolor was identified. A DeltaglnR mutant of M. tuberculosis was generated, which also failed to grow on nitrate, but regained its ability to utilize nitrate when nirBD was expressed from a plasmid, suggesting a role of GlnR in regulating nirBD expression. A specific binding site for GlnR within the nirB promoter was identified and confirmed by electrophoretic mobility shift assay using purified recombinant GlnR. Semiquantitative reverse transcription PCR, as well as microarray analysis, demonstrated upregulation of nirBD expression in response to GlnR under nitrogen-limiting conditions. In summary, we conclude that NarGHJI and NirBD of M. tuberculosis mediate the assimilatory reduction of nitrate and nitrite, respectively, and that GlnR acts as a transcriptional activator of nirBD.

Authors: Sven Malm, Yvonne Tiffert, Julia Micklinghoff, Sonja Schultze, Insa Joost, Isabel Weber, Sarah Horst, Birgit Ackermann, , , Stefan Ehlers, Robert Geffers, , Franz-Christoph Bange

Date Published: 1st Apr 2009

Publication Type: Not specified

Abstract (Expand)

Streptomyces coelicolor GlnR is a global regulator that controls genes involved in nitrogen metabolism. By genomic screening 10 new GlnR targets were identified, including enzymes for ammonium assimilation (glnII, gdhA), nitrite reduction (nirB), urea cleavage (ureA) and a number of biochemically uncharacterized proteins (SCO0255, SCO0888, SCO2195, SCO2400, SCO2404, SCO7155). For the GlnR regulon, a GlnR binding site which comprises the sequence gTnAc-n(6)-GaAAc-n(6)-GtnAC-n(6)-GAAAc-n(6) has been found. Reverse transcription analysis of S. coelicolor and the S. coelicolor glnR mutant revealed that GlnR activates or represses the expression of its target genes. Furthermore, glnR expression itself was shown to be nitrogen-dependent. Physiological studies of S. coelicolor and the S. coelicolor glnR mutant with ammonium and nitrate as the sole nitrogen source revealed that GlnR is not only involved in ammonium assimilation but also in ammonium supply. blast analysis demonstrated that GlnR-homologous proteins are present in different actinomycetes containing the glnA gene with the conserved GlnR binding site. By DNA binding studies, it was furthermore demonstrated that S. coelicolor GlnR is able to interact with these glnA upstream regions. We therefore suggest that GlnR-mediated regulation is not restricted to Streptomyces but constitutes a regulon conserved in many actinomycetes.

Authors: Yvonne Tiffert, Petra Supra, Reinhild Wurm, , Rolf Wagner,

Date Published: 7th Jan 2008

Publication Type: Not specified

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