
What is a Project?
10 Projects found

The project "INtegrative COllaborative modeling in systems MEdicine" aims at connecting different heterogenous datasets and individual models within systems medicine.

Programme: e:med

Public web page: Not specified

There is an urgent need for novel antibiotics to fight life-threatening infections and to counteract the increasing problem of propagating antibiotic resistance. Recently, new molecular genetic and biochemical tools have provided insight into the enormous unexploited genetic pool of environmental microbial biodiversity for new antibiotic compounds. New tools for more efficiently lifting this hidden treasure are needed to strengthen competitiveness of European industry, as well as for a cost-saving ...

Here we share resources and best practices to develop a disease map for COVID-19. The project is progressing as a broad community-driven effort. We aim to establish a knowledge repository on virus-host interaction mechanisms specific to the SARS-CoV-2. The COVID-19 Disease Map is an assembly of molecular interaction diagrams established based on literature evidence.

The project addresses the generation and establishment of programmed pacemaker cells for an in vitro drug testing possibility to perform predictive tests. This may lead to an improved treatment of cardiac arrhythmias or an accurate identification of potential drug molecules at a very early stage of development. Important benefits will arise in verifying the safety of a wide variety of medicines while reducing animal testing. For more information you may visit our project website at ...

Bioprocesses for the optimized, integrated production of butyl esters from sustainable resources (BESTER)

Industrial Biotechnology is a key enabling technology to produce a plethora of different bio-based products from sustainable resources and a driver for developing the bio-based economy in Europe. Systems biology and Synthetic biology are recent additions to the biotechnology toolbox that in interplay with bioprocess and chemical process technology can help developing competitive industrial ...

Aim of HUMET Startup Project is to make an inventory of expertise, research goals, resources etc. of the HUMET Coaliytion of the Willing.

Programme: HUMET

Public web page: Not specified

With aging comes cellular senescence, and (multi-)morbidity. Cellular senescence is a key driver of an interconnected disease network including cancer and stroke. We wish to utilize systems modeling and bioinformatics, learning from omics and other lab data, to design and develop a biomarker + software kit with a focus on measuring and interpreting senescence-related signatures for precise (and early) diagnosis, prognosis, and, ultimately, therapy, of pancreatic cancer and ischemic stroke/thromboembolism. ...

BaCell-SysMO 2 Modelling carbon core metabolism in Bacillus subtilis – Exploring the contribution of protein complexes in core carbon and nitrogen metabolism.

Bacillus subtilis is a prime model organism for systems biology approaches because it is one of the most advanced models for functional genomics. Furthermore, comprehensive information on cell and molecular biology, physiology and genetics is available and the European Bacillus community (BACELL) has a well-established reputation for applying ...

Programme: SysMO

Public web page:

Systems Biology of Clostridium acetobutylicum - a possible answer to dwindling crude oil reserves

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