For the spatio-temporal dynamics of bile transport, bile canalicular dilation, mechanical stimulation and transduction of YAP signaling during liver regeneration see the open access publication and its appendix: Meyer et al. (2020) Bile canaliculi remodeling activates YAP via the actin cytoskeleton during liver regeneration. Molecular Systems Biology 16:e8985.
The model format is MorpheusML that can readily be loaded and run in the free and open source software Morpheus: This simulation yields a movie of the spatio-temporal dynamics of total and nuclear YAP in a file of cells.
1 item (and an image) are associated with this Model:Organism: Mus musculus
Model type: Ordinary differential equations (ODE)
Model format: Not specified
Execution or visualisation environment: Not specified
Model image: (Click on the image to zoom) (Original)
Views: 1470 Downloads: 51
Created: 27th Nov 2020 at 17:04
Last updated: 27th Nov 2020 at 17:04
Version History
Version 1 (earliest) Created 27th Nov 2020 at 17:04 by Lutz Brusch
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