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The pilot experiment has been set up in order to develop uniform SOPs for the Sulfosys consortium. It comprises proteomics, transcriptomics, metabolomics as well as enzymatic essays. Cells for all the members of the consortium have been obtained from the same batch fermentations according to fermentation SOP of Sulfosys. The pilot resulted in creating a procedures for all the techniques used in consortium.
Submitter: Pawel Sierocinski
Investigation: Analysis of Central Carbon Metabolism of Sulfol...
Assays: Comparison of proteome of S. solfataricus at 70 and 80C, Comparison of transcriptome of S. solfataricus at 70 and 80C, Enzyme activity tests for S. solfataricus, Fermentation of S. solfataricus at 70 and 80C in a batch fermenter, Intracellular metabolomics of S. solfataricus at 70 and 80C
Cells are starved. Potassium and subsequently glucose are added to the medium. Proton and potassium fluxes across the plasma membrane are recorded before and after these events for WT and mutants lacking specific transporter proteins.
In this kind of studies sigmaB stress response is induced by the addition of artificial inducers of sigmaB. For example simgaB is downstream of a Pspac promoter and induced by the addition of IPTG. A ctc::lacZ reporter gene is used to monitor sigmaB activity.
Submitter: Ulf Liebal
Investigation: The transition from growing to non-growing Baci...
Assays: IPTG induction of sigmaB in BSA115, IPTG induction of sigmaB in BSA115, Stressosome activation dynamics
The steady state anaerobic culture (D = 0.1 h-1) was pertrubed by sudden increase of the extracellular glucose up to 1 g/L and both extra- and intracellular transient metabolite concentrations were measured
Submitter: Maksim Zakhartsev
Investigation: Kinetic analysis of metabolic system using tran...
Assays: Biomass weight during glucose pulse, Cellular size and granularity during glucose pulse, Dynamics of extracellular metabolites during glucose pulse, Dynamics of intracellular metabolites during glucose pulse, Dynamics of macromolecules during glucose pulse, MOSES: dynamic model of glucose pulse
The aim of the study is to test the interplay of the effects of different transcriptional regulators on gene expression during different environmental responses in B. subtilis. For a selected set of transcriptional regulators native proteins are fusion-labelled. The intensity of expression of each reporter protein is measured in the absence of several transcriptional regulators that compete for the RNA polymerase.
Steady state fluxes in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in anaerobic chemostat at D=0.1 h-1
Submitter: Maksim Zakhartsev
Investigation: Steady state metabolic fluxes and metabolite co...
Assays: Steady state extracellular fluxes in anaerobic yeast Saccharomyces cerev...
Steady state concentrations of metabolites in yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae in anaerobic chemostat at D=0.1 h-1
The main aim of this experiment is to actively grow B.subtilis in presense of glucose until high optical density in an aerobic fermentor and then, at a definite point of the growth, the glucose supply is shut down which leads to complete glucose exhaustion in the media. Simultaneusly samples for transcriptomics, intra and extracellular metabolomics, intra and extracellular proteomics are harvested through out the experiment.
Submitter: Praveen kumar Sappa
Investigation: The transition from growing to non-growing Baci...
Assays: 2D-gelbased analysis of intracellular proteins, Absolute quantification of proteins by the AQUA-technology, Fermentation-BM5_SysMo, Gene expression(Transcriptome), Relative quantification of proteins by metabolic labeling, metabolome-LCMS
Growth of B.subtilis in shakeflask at 57°C; 16°C, 37°C(Control) and 1,2M NaCl in SMM.
Submitter: Praveen kumar Sappa
Investigation: Redefining the Complete Transcriptome of Bacill...
Assays: Tiling array analysis of continuous growth stress conditions in SMM
BMM EtOH, 16, 57 SMM NaCl
Submitter: Praveen kumar Sappa
Investigation: Redefining the Complete Transcriptome of Bacill...
Submitter: Praveen kumar Sappa
Investigation: Redefining the Complete Transcriptome of Bacill...
Assays: Tiling Array analysis of glucose strarved B. subtilis cells