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Interspecies differences in sensitivity to chemical exposures pose a great challenge in toxicological risk assessments. How an organism copes with chemicals is largely determined by the genes and proteins that collectively function to defend against, detoxify and eliminate chemical stressors. This integrative network includes receptors and transcription factors, biotransformation enzymes, transporters, antioxidants, and metal- and heat-responsive genes, and is collectively known as the chemical ...

Location: UiB Date: 8-20 June 2017 Compounds tested: WY-14,643 (PPAR alpha agonist), GW501516 (PPAR beta agonist) No. of test groups: 5 (Control 1: DMSO/saline/PEG, WY-14.643 High (40 mg/kg), WY-14.643 Low (4.0 mg/kg), GW501516 High (4.0 mg/kg), GW501516 Low (0.4 mg/kg)) No. of fish per group: 22

Aim: *To investigate effects on lipid metabolism in Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua) mediated by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (Ppars) by in vivo exposure to two mammalian PPAR agonists.

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