Interspecies differences in sensitivity to chemical exposures pose a great challenge in toxicological risk assessments. How an organism copes with chemicals is largely determined by the genes and proteins that collectively function to defend against, detoxify and eliminate chemical stressors. This integrative network includes receptors and transcription factors, biotransformation enzymes, transporters, antioxidants, and metal- and heat-responsive genes, and is collectively known as the chemical defensome. Although the types of defensome genes are generally conserved in animals, there are important differences in the complement and function of specific genes between species. Being the largest group of vertebrate species, teleost fish can provide valuable insight into the evolution and functional diversity of defensome genes.
In this study, we compared the genes comprising the chemical defensome of five fish species that span the teleosteii evolutionary branch and are often used as model species in toxicological studies and environmental monitoring programs, including Zebrafish (Danio rerio), Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), medaka (Oryzias latipes), Atlantic killifish (Fundulus heteroclitus) and stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus). Genome mining revealed evolved differences in the number and composition of defensome genes that can have implication for how the species sense and respond to environmental pollutants. Furthermore, we show that there are important differences in expression of chemical defense genes between stickleback and zebrafish during early development. The results indicate that the diversity and function of the defensome will be important for toxicological testing and risk assessments studies.
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Projects: Systems toxicology of Atlantic cod
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Jared V. Goldstone, John Stegeman
Views: 887
Created: 22nd Oct 2018 at 09:35
Last updated: 16th Dec 2020 at 22:47

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Studies: The chemical defensome of fish
More information can be found on GitHub:
Creator: Xiaokang Zhang
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: The chemical defensome of fish
Source code and relevant files can be found on GitHub:
Creator: Xiaokang Zhang
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: The chemical defensome of fish
Creators: Xiaokang Zhang, Marta Eide, Odd André Karlsen, Inge Jonassen, Anders Goksøyr, Jared V. Goldstone; John Stegeman
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: The chemical defensome of fish
There are four datasheets in the Excel file: 1. Gene pattern and the corresponding category (the gene list is then divided into the other three datasheets); 2. These gene names (patterns) can be directly followed by either a letter or a number; 3. These gene names (patterns) should be directly followed by a letter; 4. These gene names (patterns) should be directly followed by a number.
Creators: Xiaokang Zhang, Marta Eide, Odd André Karlsen, Inge Jonassen, Anders Goksøyr, Jared V. Goldstone; John Stegeman
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
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Studies: The chemical defensome of fish
Creators: Xiaokang Zhang, Marta Eide, Odd André Karlsen, Inge Jonassen, Anders Goksøyr, Jared V. Goldstone; John Stegeman
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: The chemical defensome of fish
Abstract (Expand)
Authors: Marta Eide, Xiaokang Zhang, Odd André Karlsen, Jared V. Goldstone, John Stegeman, Inge Jonassen, Anders Goksøyr
Date Published: 1st Dec 2021
Publication Type: Journal
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-021-89948-0
Citation: Sci Rep 11(1),10546
Supplementary Tables 1-4 for manuscript "The chemical defensome of five model teleost fish"
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Studies: The chemical defensome of fish
Creator: Xiaokang Zhang
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: The chemical defensome of fish
Creator: Xiaokang Zhang
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: The chemical defensome of fish
Supplementary Table1 and Table2 for manuscript "The chemical defensome of fish"
Creators: Xiaokang Zhang, Marta Eide, Inge Jonassen, Anders Goksøyr, Odd André Karlsen, Jared V. Goldstone; John Stegeman
Submitter: Xiaokang Zhang
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: The chemical defensome of fish