Location: UiB Date: 8-20 June 2017 Compounds tested: WY-14,643 (PPAR alpha agonist), GW501516 (PPAR beta agonist) No. of test groups: 5 (Control 1: DMSO/saline/PEG, WY-14.643 High (40 mg/kg), WY-14.643 Low (4.0 mg/kg), GW501516 High (4.0 mg/kg), GW501516 Low (0.4 mg/kg)) No. of fish per group: 22
Aim: *To investigate effects on lipid metabolism in Atlantic cod ( Gadus morhua) mediated by peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (Ppars) by in vivo exposure to two mammalian PPAR agonists.
DOI: 10.15490/fairdomhub.1.study.802.3
Zenodo URL: None
Created at: 13th Mar 2023 at 13:26
In vivo II - GW and WY Biometric data
No description specified
In vivo II -WY and GW biometrics
Biometric data from in vivo II experiment
- In vivo II biometrics template_WYGW_SEEK.xlsx
RNA sequencing
Liver samples from Atlantic cod males.
Total RNA isolated using TRI Reagent (Fekadu Yadetie). Sequencing performed with Illumina Stranded mRNA (sequencing poly-A mRNA) at Genomic Core Facility at UiB/Haukeland (contact person Rita Holdhus).
The data sets are submitted to the ArrayExpress repository, and will be linked here.
RNA-Seq of Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua) liver treated with WY-14,643 and GW501516 in vivo
The aim of the exposure was to study the effects of activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) in Atlantic cod (Gadus morhua), by injecting the fish with the compounds WY-14,643 and GW501516. Using luciferase reporter assay in vitro, we have shown that WY-14,643 activate Atlantic cod Ppara1 and Ppara2, while GW501516 activate Ppara1, Ppara2, and Pparb. The experimental set-up was as follows: Immature cod were injected at day 0 and day 4 with either high dose (40 mg/kg
- E-MTAB-11490
Targeted lipidomics
Targeted lipidomic analysis was performed on plasma and isolated liver microsomes of eight male fish from solvent control (Control) and High-Dose groups (n = 8) at Cinta Porte’s lab at CSIC, Spain, using Flow Injection Analysis High-Resolution Mass Spectrometry (FIA-HRMS).
The data is submitted to the MetaboLights repository.
Proteomics data
The data is submitted to the PRIDE repository, and will be linked here.
Untargeted lipidomics
Untargeted lipidomics analysis was performed on plasma and liver samples of four male fish from each group (n = 4) at Per Bruheim’s lab at NTNU, Norway, using Liquid Chromatography Hybrid Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-HDMS).
Compound measurements from plasma
No description specified
- dCod Plasma iv2_Compound measurements.xlsx
Untargeted liver lipid analysis_normalized values
Untargeted lipidomics analysis was performed on plasma and liver samples of four male fish from each group (n = 4) at Per Bruheim’s lab at NTNU, Norway, using Liquid Chromatography Hybrid Quadrupole Mass Spectrometry (UPLC-HDMS).
Normalisation: The fraction of each lipid compound among all measured lipids in every sample was calculated and was used in the downstream analysis.
- Untargeted approach_Normalised liver lipids.xlsx
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Created: 13th Mar 2023 at 13:26
Last updated: 13th Mar 2023 at 13:26