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BPG produced with yeast PGK was incubated at 70 C,upon which BPG rapidly dephosphorylates to 3PG. SED-ML:
Submitter: Jacky Snoep
Investigation: Phosphoglycerate kinase acts as a futile cycle ...
Assays: BPG degradation, BPG stability analysis
After the removal of the extracellular antibiotic, efflux and inhibition dynamics combine to delay the synthesis of ribosomes in a concentration-dependent manner (panel ii). Colors indicate increasing antibiotic concentration, as shown in panel ii.
SED-ML simulation
Submitter: Dawie van Niekerk
Investigation: Srimani et al (2017) Molecular Systems Biology
Assays: Kinetic model of antibiotic-mediated inhibition of ribosomes
Growth-factor deprived mCFU-E cells (5x106 cells per condition) and BaF3-EpoR cells (1x107 cells per condition) were stimulated with different Epo doses and absolute concentrations were determined for pEpoR (B), pAKT (C), ppERK (D). The scale for pS6 (E) was estimated in arbitrary units. GTP-Ras (F) and ppERK were determined upon stimulation with indicated, color-coded Epo doses. pEpoR was analyzed by immunoprecipitation followed by immunoblotting, GTP-Ras was analyzed after pulldown using a ...
Transcriptional response to a sudden increase in extracellular ligand (hormone), for the six network designs of (A). The transcriptional response is taken to equal the ratio ReNrL/Retotal, i.e., the fraction of REs attaching ligand-bound NR. The ligand concentration was increased from 0 to 0.005 nM and maintained constant at the latter level. The observation that design 6 is higher than all other designs at long times is robust for parameter changes up to a factor of 3.
Submitter: Dawie van Niekerk
Investigation: Kolodkin et al (2010) Molecular Systems Biology...
For all experiments, primary CFU-E cells were starved and stimulated with 5 U/ml Epo. At the indicated time points, samples were subjected to quantitative immunoblotting. Experimental data (black circles) with estimated standard errors and trajectories of the best fit (solid lines) are represented. Mass spectrometry data represent replicates of four independent experiments.
Carbon loss due to instability of gluconeogenic pathway intermediates (BPG, GAP, DHAP) at high temperature in S. solfataricus
Mathematical model of a subset of reactions comprising the three most temperature sensitive intermediates of the gluconeogenic pathway in S. solfataricus
Submitter: Jacky Snoep
Investigation: Central Carbon Metabolism of Sulfolobus solfata...
Assays: FBPAase, FBPAase Modelling, GAPDH, GAPDH Modelling, Modelling Metabolite Degradation at High Temperature, PGK, PGK Modelling, Reconstituted Gluconeogenesis System, TPI, TPI Modelling, Temperature Degradation of Gluconeogenic Intermediates