17 October 2016
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Created: 8th Nov 2018 at 10:03

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Projects: Systems toxicology of Atlantic cod
Institutions: University of Bergen
Expertise: Molecular Biology
The goal of the dCod-project is to combine the competencies in environmental toxicology, biology, bioinformatics and mathematics across the traditional department boundaries, to create a deeper understanding of cods' adaptations and reactions to stressors in the environment. Building on the thoroughly studies and mapping of the cod genome at UiO and the long research traditions on cod at the Department of Biology at UiB, the dCod project will expand our knowledge with methods based on genomics; ...
Projects: Systems toxicology of Atlantic cod
Web page: http://dcod.no
Coastal zones and oceans constitute an essential fundament for Norway’s history as well as current economy, providing ecosystem services for fisheries, aquaculture, transport, tourism, and recreation. The petroleum activities in Norwegian waters have been crucial for Norway’s financial growth and in financing the Norwegian welfare state. As the pressure on the oceans continuously increases, both the petroleum industry and the seafood industries have acknowledged that awareness and actions are ...
Programme: dCod 1.0: decoding systems toxicology of cod
Public web page: http://www.uib.no/en/dcod
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Biometry data of fish from Kollevåg caging study
Creator: Karina Dale
Submitter: Karina Dale
Investigations: 1 hidden item
Studies: Caging study - Kollevåg
Assays: Chemical analyses, Enzyme activity assays, Enzyme immunoassay, Fish Biometrics, Gene expression, TBARS: Oxidative stress, Vitellogenin in blood plasma, Western blot - protein expression
Template for biometry data for field studies such as Kollevåg, Oslofjord etc.
Fish ID (Integer) *, Date (Date) , Station (Integer) *, Weight (g) (Real number) ( g ) , Length (cm) (Real number) ( cm ) , Gender (F/M) (String) *, Liver weight (g) (Real number) ( g ) , Gonade weight (g) (Real number) ( g ) , Condition factor (CF) (Real number) , Hepatosomatic index (HSI) (Real number) , Gonadosomatic index (GSI) (Real number) , Comments (String) , Severity of pathology (String)
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