What is an Assay?Filters
Short Name: 04_MapManBINenrich-GSEA Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: GSEA Title: GSEA for SxP Illumina mapped reads Description: GSEA of TMM normalized total counts from mapping of SxP Illumina reads to Nb genome v3.5 pISA Assay creation date: 2021-12-31 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Jutersek Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP1012-finalG
Short Name: 05_VOCcomp-Bioinfo Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: Bioinfo Title: Analysis of VOC data from SxP v1.0 and v1.2 and its comparison to transcriptomic data. Description: Volatile organic compound analysis of young and adult v1.0 and v1.2 high producers was compared to transcriptomic data to gain more insight into the metabolic perturbations in SxP producers. pISA Assay creation date: 2022-01-19 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Jutersek Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP1012-finalG
Short Name: SxPv1-2_fastq-QC Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: QC Title: Qulaity control of SxPv1-2 raw Illumina reads Description: FastQC of SxPv1.2 Illumina reads pISA Assay creation date: 2021-11-08 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20191104.txt Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP12-newG-DE
Short Name: SxPv12_mapping-CLC Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: CLC Title: CLC mapping of SxPv1.2 reads Description: Mapping SxPv1.2 Illumina reads to NbV1 genome in CLC Genomics Workbench pISA Assay creation date: 2021-11-10 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20191104.txt Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP12-newG-DE
Files connected to study: _S_P4_SxP1012-finalG
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP1012-finalG
Short Name: 06_MapMan-bioinfo Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: bioinfo Title: MapMan visualisation of DE genes in SxP Description: LogFCs from DE analysis of total counts after mapping with CLC and Mercator3 mapping as inputs. pISA Assay creation date: 2019-03-27 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20181212.xlsx Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE
Short Name: 08_transgenes-CLC Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: CLC Title: Mapping of RNA-seq data from SxP to transgenes Description: Mapping SxPv1.0 RNA-Seq reads to seqeunces of the three transgenes to determine transgene expression. pISA Assay creation date: 2019-07-09 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE
Short Name: 01_mapping-CLC Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: CLC Title: Mapping of SxP v1.0 and v1.2 Illumina reads to V3.5 Nb genome Description: Mapping of SxP v1.0 and v1.2 Illumina reads to V3.5 Nb genome in CLC Genomics Workbench. pISA Assay creation date: 2021-12-20 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Jutersek Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP1012-finalG
Short Name: 02a_limmavoom-multim-R Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: R Title: limmavoom DE analysis of multimapped SxP Illumina reads Description: DE analysis with limma-voom script in R of total count data from mapping of SxPv1.0 and v1.2 reads to NbV3.5 genome and counting multimapped reads. pISA Assay creation date: 2021-12-30 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Jutersek Analyst: Mojca Jutersek Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP1012-finalG
Short Name: 02b_limmavoom-uniquem-R Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: R Title: Limmavoom DE analysis of uniquely mapped SxP Illumina reads Description: DE analysis with limma-voom script in R of total count data from mapping of SxPv1.0 and v1.2 reads to NbV3.5 genome and counting only uniquely mapped reads. pISA Assay creation date: 2021-12-30 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Jutersek Analyst: Mojca Jutersek Phenodata: None Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP1012-finalG
Assay: A02FastQC-bioinfo Short Name: 02FastQC-bioinfo Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: bioinfo Title: QC of raw reads Description: FastQ analysis of raw reads from SxPv1.0 RNA-Seq samples. pISA Assay creation date: 2019-03-20 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata20181212.xlsx Featuredata: Data: __
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE
Short Name: 03_mapping-CLC Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: CLC Title: 03_CLCmapping Description: Mapping of SxPv1.0 reads to the Kourelis 2019 Nb genome with CLC Genomics Workbench. pISA Assay creation date: 2019-26-03 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20181212.xlsx Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE
Short Name: 03a_mapping2-STAR Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: STAR Title: Mapping of SxP reads with STAR Description: Mapping of SxPv1.0 reads to the Kourelis 2019 Nb genome with STAR. pISA Assay creation date: 2019-04-19 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20181212.xlsx Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE
Short Name: 04_Mercator-bioinfo Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: bioinfo Title: Mercator annotation of Nbenthamiana fasta file Description: Mercator3 annotation of Kourelis 2019 Nb genome pISA Assay creation date: 2019-04-09 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20181212.xlsx Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE
Assay: A05DEstat-R Short Name: 05DEstat-R Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: R Title: Analysis of DE genes in R limma voom Description: DE analysis of SxPv1.0 count data with total counts determined from mapping with CLC. pISA Assay creation date: 2019-03-27 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Analyst: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata20181212.xlsx Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE
Short Name: 05a_DEstat2-R Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: R Title: DE analysis in R with count data from STAR Description: DE analysis of SxPv1.0 count data with total counts determined from mapping with STAR. pISA Assay creation date: 2019-04-19 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Analyst: Marko Petek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20181212.xlsx Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE
Short Name: 05b_DElow-wt-R Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: R Title: DE analysis in R using low-wt contrast Description: DE with total counts from mapping with CLC, contrasting low producers to wt. pISA Assay creation date: 2019-09-18 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Analyst: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20181212.xlsx Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE
Files connected to study: _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE
Short Name: 00_SxP_photos-phenotyping Assay Class: WET Assay Type: phenotyping Description: Photos of SxPv1.0 plants grown in greenhouse in Valencia (IBMCP) for RNA-Seq sampling. pISA Assay creation date: 2018-11-09 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20181212.xlsx Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE
Assay: _A_01_RNA1-RNAisol Short Name: RNA1-RNAisol Assay Class: WET Assay Type: RNAisol Title: RNA isolation from sexy plants Description: Isolation of RNA from SxPv1.0 plants. 4 biological replicates per every included line. pISA Assay creation date: 2018-12-13 pISA Assay creator: SpelaB Lab manager: Elena Phenodata: None Featuredata: Creation date: 2018-12-13 RNA ID: $_RNA Homogenisation protocol: fastPrep Date Homogenisation: 2018-12-13 Isolation Protocol: Rneasy_Plant Date Isolation: 2018-12-13 ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-oldG-DE
Short Name: 02a_limmavoomDEbylines-R Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: R Title: DE of SxP RNA-seq data by lines Description: Data: total counts from mapping of SxPv1.0 reads to NbV1 genome; contrasting lines (low1-wt, low2-wt, high1-wt, high2-wt). pISA Assay creation date: 2020-02-12 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Analyst: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20191104.xlsx Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-newG-DE
Short Name: 03_NewGenome-MapMan Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: MapMan Title: MapMan visualisation of mapping SxP data to the new Nb genome Description: Data: logFC values of DE genes in SxPv1.0, MapMan3 mapping of NbV1 genome pISA Assay creation date: 2020-01-31 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20181212.xlsx Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-newG-DE
Short Name: 04_GSEA-Stat Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: Stat Title: GSEA analysis of SxP data Description: Gene sets: MapMan3 BINs from mapping of NbV1 genome, Data: TMM-normalized total counts of mapping SxPv1.0 data to NbV1 genome. pISA Assay creation date: 2020-01-31 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Analyst: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20181212.xlsx Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-newG-DE
Short Name: 05_Phenotype_analysis-Stat Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: Stat Title: Analysis of SxP phenotype Description: Plotting determined parameters: height, pheromone content, transgene expression. pISA Assay creation date: 2020-02-12 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Analyst: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20191104.xlsx Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-newG-DE
Short Name: 06_SxPv1-0_Illumina-Centrifuge Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: Centrifuge Title: centrifuge analysis of reads from SxPv1.0 samples Description: Centrifuge analysis of fastq files from SxPv1.0 samples to determine potential contaminations with pathogenic fungi, bacteria, that could potentially be behind the stress response observed in difeferntial expression analysis. pISA Assay creation date: 2021-10-21 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20191104.txt Featuredata: ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-newG-DE
Short Name: 07_NbAUSv1-0-InterPro Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: InterPro Title: InterProScan annotation of the new Nb genome - NbAUSv1.0 Description: * pISA Assay creation date: 2021-10-21 pISA Assay creator: * Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20191104.txt Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-newG-DE
Files connected to study: _S_P4_GAtreat
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_GAtreat
Files connected to study: _S_P4_SxP10-newG-DE
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-newG-DE
Assay: AP4v10v12-phenotyping Short Name: P4v10v12-phenotyping Assay Class: WET Assay Type: phenotyping Title: Phenotyping of GA3 effect on SxP lines in comparison to wt Description: GA3 treated plants were followed for 35 days after transplanting in soil. Plant height was measured at 17, 21, 24, 28 and 35 days post planting in soil. At day 35 in soil, plants were collected, weighed and photographed for image analysis of leaf areas. The leaves and stems were dried and dry weigh measured. pISA Assay ...
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_GAtreat
Short Name: toNewGenome-CLC-mapping Assay Class: DRY Assay Type: CLC-mapping Title: Mapping of SxP RNA-seq to the new Nb genome Description: Data; SxPv1.0 RNA-Seq, genome: NbV1 pISA Assay creation date: 2020-01-31 pISA Assay creator: Mojca Juteršek Phenodata: ../../phenodata_20181212.xlsx Featuredata: Data:
Submitter: Marko Petek
Assay type: Experimental Assay Type
Technology type: Technology Type
Investigation: _I_T21_SXPsysbio
Study: _S_P4_SxP10-newG-DE