Data files

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Tryptic peptides of P. cordatum were separated by 2D SCX-/RP nanoLC coupled to ESI-Iontrap MS/MS.

The membrane fraction of Prorcentrum cordatum was prepared and proteins solubilized using SDS. Subsequently, proteins were separated by SDS-PAGE, subjected to tryptic in-gel digest and nanoLC ESI-iontrap MS/MS.

No description specified

Creators: None

Submitter: Lars Wöhlbrand

Prepared (sub-)cellular fractions were separated by gradient SDS-PAGE and entire sample lanes cut into pieces prior to in-gel digest and nanoLC separation coulpled to iontrap MS/MS detection.

Creators: None

Submitter: Lars Wöhlbrand

No description specified
No description specified

Prorocentrum cordatum was subjected to whole cell shotgun analyses (in-solution digest) unsing nanoLC ESI-intrap MS/MS

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