RTC and transcription (COVID-19 Disease Map)
Version 3

Pathway: Assembly of the Replication Transcription Complex and Transcription

SEEK ID: https://fairdomhub.org/models/704?version=3

1 item (and an image) are associated with this Model:

Organism: Severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2

Model type: Graphical model

Model format: SBGN-ML PD

Execution or visualisation environment: Not specified

Model image: (Click on the image to zoom) (Original)

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Views: 1969

Created: 10th Apr 2020 at 09:50

Last updated: 25th Jun 2020 at 07:10

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Version History

Version 3 (latest) Created 25th Jun 2020 at 07:10 by Marek Ostaszewski

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