PDB files of pteridine docking results in LmPTR1 with explicit conserved structural water molecules

Zip-archive with results for reference and all designed pteridines in their neutral and N1-protonated variant as multi-model PDB files, ordered as ranked by Glide docking scores, in the LmPTR1 receptor based on PDB-ID 1e92 with explicit conserved structural water molecules. Docking results obtained by rigid-body XP docking with Schrödinger Glide (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, Glide v6.9). For further details and naming conventions also refer to the README file.

SEEK ID: https://fairdomhub.org/data_files/3842?version=2

Filename: LmPTR1-cW.zip  Download

Format: Zip file

Size: 330 KB

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Views: 1859   Downloads: 55

Created: 22nd Sep 2020 at 12:49

Last updated: 16th Jul 2021 at 15:07

Version History

Version 2 (latest) Created 16th Jul 2021 at 15:07 by Ina Poehner

Updated nomenclature

Version 1 (earliest) Created 22nd Sep 2020 at 12:49 by Ina Poehner

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