Compound data, library construction schemes and preparation routine for small drug-like molecules as ligands in docking and for further analysis.
Modelling analysis
Projects: NMTrypI - New Medicines for Trypanosomatidic Infections
Investigation: Pteridines as anti-kinetoplastid folate-pathway protein inhibitors
Study: Docking to PTR1 and DHFR targets and off-targets
Assay position:
Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type
Organisms: No organisms
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Views: 1106
Created: 22nd Aug 2020 at 09:19
Last updated: 30th Sep 2020 at 10:03
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Projects: Kinetics on the move - Workshop 2016, COVID-19 Disease Map, NMTrypI - New Medicines for Trypanosomatidic Infections, CoVIDD - Coronavirus interactions in drug discovery - optimization and implementation
Institutions: Kinetics on the move Workshop at HITS, Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies (HITS gGmbH), University of Eastern Finland (UEF) Leader, Molecular and Cellular Modeling Group, EML Research, Heidelberg
Projects: NMTrypI - New Medicines for Trypanosomatidic Infections
Web page:
The New Medicines for Trypanosomatidic Infections - NMTrypI project aimed at obtaining new candidate drugs against Trypanosomatidic infections with appropriate efficiency from the lead phase to the final preclinical phase that are more accessible to patients.
Programme: Drug development for neglected parasitic diseases
Public web page:
Start date: 1st Feb 2014
End date: 31st Jan 2017
Multidisciplinary development of selective anti-parasitic multi-target inhibitors of PTR1/DHFR based on a pteridine scaffold.
Submitter: Ina Poehner
Studies: Docking to PTR1 and DHFR targets and off-targets, In silico property and correlation analysis
Assays: Compound library preparation, Correlation analysis between PTR1 and DHFR activities and anti-parasitic..., Correlation analysis between predicted ADMET properties and anti-parasit..., Docking receptor preparation, In silico ADMET data prediction, Induced-fit docking studies, PAINS filtering, Rigid-body docking studies
Snapshots: Snapshot 1
Rigid-body docking studies and induced-fit docking studies of pteridine-based compounds to the target proteins TbPTR1, TbDHFR, LmPTR1, LmDHFR and the off-target hDHFR. For both PTR1 variants and human DHFR, conserved structural water sets were considered. Preparations of compound libraries and docking receptors are also covered.
Submitter: Ina Poehner
Investigation: Pteridines as anti-kinetoplastid folate-pathway...
Assays: Compound library preparation, Docking receptor preparation, Induced-fit docking studies, Rigid-body docking studies
Snapshots: No snapshots
Compound SMILES of resynthesized or newly designed pteridine compounds 1b, 1c, 2a-e, 3a-e, 4a-j and 5a-f used for ligand preparation within Maestro (Schrödinger, LLC, New York, NY, Schrödinger Release 2015-4, 2015, Maestro.). SMILES strings and compound identifiers are comma-separated and can be readily imported in Maestro.
Investigations: Pteridines as anti-kinetoplastid folate-pathway...
Studies: Docking to PTR1 and DHFR targets and off-targets
Assays: Compound library preparation
Zip archive of N1 protonated reference and newly synthesized pteridines (series 1-5) in SDF format.
Creators: Ina Poehner, Joanna Panecka-Hofman, Rebecca Wade
Submitter: Ina Poehner
Relationship type: Not specified
Investigations: Pteridines as anti-kinetoplastid folate-pathway...
Studies: Docking to PTR1 and DHFR targets and off-targets
Assays: Compound library preparation
Summary of fragments that were used to construct an in silico pteridine library with corresponding fragment identifiers. Connections between the fragments are shown outside the colored boxes. Compounds were composed of a core fragment (C1-C3), an N10 fragment (N1-N7), a PABA fragment (P1-P10) and, for any PABA fragment except P8, P9 and P10, a tail fragment (T1E1-T7).
Investigations: Pteridines as anti-kinetoplastid folate-pathway...
Studies: Docking to PTR1 and DHFR targets and off-targets
Assays: Compound library preparation
This SOP describes the preparation of pteridine ligand 3D structures from SMILES or other input formats with the LigPrep routine as embedded in Schrödinger Maestro for usage in docking runs and in silico ADME-Tox property prediction.
Creators: Ina Poehner, Rebecca Wade, Joanna Panecka-Hofman
Submitter: Ina Poehner
Investigations: Pteridines as anti-kinetoplastid folate-pathway...
Studies: Docking to PTR1 and DHFR targets and off-targets
Assays: Compound library preparation