
What is an Assay?
3 Assays visible to you, out of a total of 3

Validation by simulating independent OE, KO mutant and perturbation samples, using sampling of the gausian distribution based on the mean and SD of measurements per sample. A 1000 samples of the gausian distribution of the mean and SD was performed per sample to show error in the measurements and how it propegates in predicted metabolite concentration in SS

Metabolomics time series measurements for internal metabolites for 6h, 24h and 48h for multiple experiments. Largely based on MAss spectrometry, bioluminescence kits to measure NAD, NADH at 24h, other time points are infered from relative measurements times the absolute measurements at 24h.

Contains the analysis of the internal metabolite concentrations of the 40 independend samples Pearson correlation was used to generate heatmaps Pearson correlation with p-value cutof of 0.001 was used and as input for a correlation network (grouping using H-clust) Principal component analysis was performed on samples, F-ion and H-ion data combined and seperately Zip files contains the data (FC.txt), PCA and heatmap plots and the script to re-generate these plots

Submitter: Niels Zondervan

Biological problem addressed: Model Analysis Type

Investigation: Modelling of M. pneumoniae metabolism

Study: Metabolomics measurements

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