
What is a Model?
9 Models visible to you, out of a total of 9

Simplified model file for PLaSMo accession ID PLM_71, version 2 (use simplified if your software cannot read the file, e.g. Sloppy Cell)

Creators: BioData SynthSys, Andrew Millar, Andrew Millar

Submitter: BioData SynthSys

Originally submitted model file for PLaSMo accession ID PLM_71, version 2

Creators: BioData SynthSys, Andrew Millar, Andrew Millar

Submitter: BioData SynthSys

Originally submitted model file for PLaSMo accession ID PLM_71, version 1

Creators: BioData SynthSys, Andrew Millar, Andrew Millar

Submitter: BioData SynthSys

Originally submitted model file for PLaSMo accession ID PLM_1041, version 1

Creators: BioData SynthSys, Andrew Millar, Andrew Millar

Submitter: BioData SynthSys

Simplified model file for PLaSMo accession ID PLM_1041, version 1 (use simplified if your software cannot read the file, e.g. Sloppy Cell)

Creators: BioData SynthSys, Andrew Millar, Andrew Millar

Submitter: BioData SynthSys

Arabidopsis clock model P2011.6.1 SBML imported into Copasi 4.8 and saved as native Copasi file.

Creators: Andrew Millar, Uriel Urquiza Garcia, Kevin Stratford, EPCC

Submitter: Andrew Millar

The P2011.3.1 SBML model imported into Copasi v4.8, saved as native Copasi file

Creators: Andrew Millar, Uriel Urquiza Garcia, Kevin Stratford, EPCC

Submitter: Andrew Millar

Exactly the same as model 243, but uploaded as a file rather than copied from PlaSMo.

Creator: Andrew Millar

Submitter: Andrew Millar

This version is P2011.1.2, model ID PLM_71 version 1. Dynamics identical to P2011.1.1 of the Pokhilko et al. 2012 publication.

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